It seems like forever since I last graced the pages of JU. I suppose it has. Really I should return to the world with loads of new information, and tales of what I was doing while I wasn't here. The sad truth is, I haven't really done anything that amazing, or great. Life has kind of just been ticking over. Which I am okay with I guess. I've come to the conclusion there is no pleasing me, when things are hectic, I moan and complain, and when things are nice and slow, I moan and complain...
Why are women so drawn to problem pages? Ever since I was young, I have recieved some kind of freakish enjoyment from other peoples problems. Unfortunately, I haven't grown up just yet. While reading one of my magazines, I came across yet another problem page. One problem titled, 'He looks at Porn', my first reaction to this was, oh my your world must be coming to an end. I read the problem, and it was the usual kind of thing. This ladies husband was accessing the 'evil' internet and ge...
Why are women so drawn to problem pages? Ever since I was young, I have recieved some kind of freakish enjoyment from other peoples problems. Unfortunately, I haven't grown up just yet. While reading one of my magazines, I came across yet another problem page. One problem titled, 'He looks at Porn', my first reaction to this was, oh my your world must be coming to an end. I read the problem, and it was the usual kind of thing. This ladies husband was accessing the 'evil' internet and ge...
I haven't blogged in a good while. I can't say I've really missed it that much. It's funny how we move on from things isn't it. Things can take you over, until you become obsessed with them, and then just like that it stops. You don't need it anymore. It isn't that simple though, because I believe things touch your life for a reason. I can return to writing a blog, I can feel the same that I did before, yet it doesn't hold the exact same feeling. It's difficult to explain. You can los...
I'm feeling alot more light hearted than I have in a long time. I don't really know why, but it's all good. I'll enjoy it while it lasts.......I am admittedly self obsessed. I think everyone is to a certain extent. I think probably if you read the blogs I have wrote you will realise that. One of my main worries is that I will end up a no one. That I'll die somewhere one day, with a load of cats, in a little flat, and my body will lay there for weeks on end. I will only be eventually fo...
One step in front of the other. Forward. Further. Please let me just arrive. If I arrive safely everything will be good. I won't have to worry about anything else. Please let me just arrive. There is nothing stopping me. There is nothing in my way. No tree has fallen and is blocking my path. I haven't suddenly lost the ability to walk. One step in front of the other. Forward. Further. I wish my head was empty, that all the thoughts going through, running rapidly through would stop. Why can't ...
Well what a surreal weekend I had. I planned on having a quiet weekend really. Except it just wasn't to be. For starters my insane sister came to stay for the weekend. Her and I are getting on slightly better these days, the less I see of her, the more I like her. So I wasn't too bothered that she was there for the weekend, except she has gone more fruitloop than usual. I walked in on Friday afternoon and there she was, looking like Cruella De Vil. I kid you not. Her hair is black at ...
Well it's blogging time again. You will have to excuse me if this blog isn't up to my usual high quality (Ha!) but I am suffering from a monster hangover at the moment and I am still rather disorientated. I will work my way up to last night though, as I haven't actually blogged in a while, so there's quite a bit to catch up on I guess. First of all it's Valentines day! Wooohoooo! How exciting. Not wanting to sound like a whinging, bitter old hag, but what a waste of time it is! Now don...
So I met a boy. I have to say meeting people isn't really an issue for me, and I'm not entirely sure why. Is it that everyone is desperate for love and therefore everyone you come across is a love interest? I hate that kind of thinking. It means you miss out on the all important friendship thing. Friends are important. They will be there for you no matter what, and you can rely on them, no matter what. Now as I said meeting people isn't an issue, even though I hate small talk with a pa...
I sometimes wonder where I'll be in ten years time. I don't really see a future for myself. Which hasn't worried me much. I have never wanted to be one of those people who has their future mapped out in front of them. That they know exactly where they are going. Anything like that scares me. I like my freedom. I like the fact I have no idea what I'm doing next week. Damn it, I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow. Now the only problem with this freedom is that you can end up doing abso...
It's actually quite strange the people you find yourself attracted too. There isn't always an explanation for it. I wish there was. Some formula so you could see what it is that makes you so attracted to someone. Is it really some kind of animal instinct? Maybe humans haven't evolved that much at all. Maybe it isn't down to how well you get on with someone, maybe it is down to that animal instinct physical attraction. Obviously there has to be something there when you scratch the surfa...
There are many things I am hopeless at. Many, many ways that I know I'm not perfect. When you are continually made aware of these things by someone you care about, it does start to irritate you slightly. I can't really explain my feelings at the moment. If I was to use one word right at this moment I would use confused. About everything. Which is an emotion I am learning to cope with. As it seems to be used alot when thinking about you and me. Where I stand with you I don't know. You...
I love books. For as long as I can remember when things have got tough for me, or the real world has become to much, I can bury my head in the safe world of a book. I can lose myself for hours in these worlds, that seem so real, I can feel for the people believe they are real. See them in my head, imagine the story playing out in my head. I sometimes think my need to escape the real world has held me back in actually learning to deal with things. Instead of facing the problem head on I w...
The Paper is rarely full of happy news. Especially concerning recent events. I picked up the paper today, and was faced with this article; SECRETS OF CRUEL MR WEIRD Jan 4 2005 He's the son of a war hero, he spends hours on the internet, he wears dark glasses at all times.. and he sent 35 hoax emails to British disaster families By Rod Chaytor THE email hoaxer who told worried relatives their loved ones had died in the Asian tsunami was behind bars last night as hi...
Christmas wasn't as bad as I expected. I was prepared for the worst day possible, and it was actually pretty painless. We had a few arguments, a few disagreements, but on the whole we all got along pretty well. Me and Santa need a discussion about his present delivering techniques but that's another story. No mince pies for him next year. Christmas is generally a time for family and people you care about. I am very grateful for my family and the fact that I'm not alone at Christmas, to ...