"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
Sally jacobs's Articles In Sex & Romance
July 20, 2004 by Sally jacobs
I love that song.....where do you go to my lovely....how romantic. I was introduced to this song by an ex boyfriend. Ahh yes them dreaded ex creatures. He was a thinker like me. I liked that about him. You could see the thoughts ticking over in his head. We were both very young, sixteen I think. He was my first love (not really love, but as close as you ge to it at 16). He wasn't much of a talker, but he was a romantic. My love for talking distressed him at times. Words were useless...
April 5, 2005 by Sally jacobs
Why are women so drawn to problem pages? Ever since I was young, I have recieved some kind of freakish enjoyment from other peoples problems. Unfortunately, I haven't grown up just yet. While reading one of my magazines, I came across yet another problem page. One problem titled, 'He looks at Porn', my first reaction to this was, oh my your world must be coming to an end. I read the problem, and it was the usual kind of thing. This ladies husband was accessing the 'evil' internet and ge...
December 26, 2005 by Sally jacobs
I'm in love with someone I haven't even met yet.... I love them with all my heart. I ache to be with them. They ache to be with me. Why? When you meet someone for the first time, there are many thoughts rushing through your head. We usually make up our minds about people within seconds, Judging on the clothes they are wearing, how they carry themselves, their social status. All kinds of judgements run through our heads in them initial few seconds. Now talking specifically l...
April 5, 2005 by Sally jacobs
Why are women so drawn to problem pages? Ever since I was young, I have recieved some kind of freakish enjoyment from other peoples problems. Unfortunately, I haven't grown up just yet. While reading one of my magazines, I came across yet another problem page. One problem titled, 'He looks at Porn', my first reaction to this was, oh my your world must be coming to an end. I read the problem, and it was the usual kind of thing. This ladies husband was accessing the 'evil' internet and ge...