I have been writing on JU for a while now, a few months, and when I first started I hardly read any other blogs. I suppose I was pretty ignorant to other peoples blogs, but slowly I read more and more, and became a regular reader of a few, which I guess is to be expected if you're around here for long enough. What I didn't expect was the people reading my blog, I really didn't think I'd get people that interested in what I have to say. I read some fab fiction on here, I read some great po...
Before i joined JU I was totally ignorant to blogging and just what it meant and what you actually did with it. Since coming to JU, in a short period I've learnt an awful lot about it. Through reading other peoples blogs, and seeing responses to mine, and if I'm honest it's got me slightly intrigued. I did a search today to see what other blog sites I could find and compare them to JU, and see if they all follow a similar pattern, or of their are huge differences. Now maybe I'm just compl...
I think JU is a great place. I think it's full of great inspirational people, who share thoughts, opinions their lives with us, and that is totally amazing. The points system is something I still don't completely understand, but I'm happy not knowing. I have found out that typically it rewards those that blog the most, more than the actual quality. Now don't get me wrong that doesn't mean the most popular blogs are crap, because that's not true, people wouldn't read them if they were. I'...
A sense of humor is very important to me, for someone to make me laugh is amazing. I don't consider myself to be a funny writer though, I don't really consider myself to be a funny person, but I can make certain people laugh, and then other people just find me totally unamusing. I can understand that, I don't really appreciate 'stupid' humor or comedians for that matter. I prefer observational humor, something you can actually relate to, not something that is forced, and then you're expect...
I think I owe this article to the few people I have come across online that have touched my life in some way, and I consider them to be very special people. There aren't many of them, a select few people, that I consider to be friends, and in no way any different from the friends I have in the real world. Well that's a lie, of course they are different, the internet is a different situation than the friends you meet at work or at the pub, it is a different situation completely. Lets compar...
I like this blog site, I like the people on it. I think that it's a great place to write and get feedback. I can't help but notice that not everyone is getting on very well at the moment. That is to be expected, with so many people around, that have strong opinions, and beliefs and are willing to voice them opinions and beliefs, this is what makes this community so great, but which also causes conflict, so do we accept it? Do we ignore it? Do we try to understand it? This blog is not ab...
Well JU it's finally happened, I've ran out of things to say. Yep. I sat for ages trying to think of something to write an article on, and though I over recent times I have managed a few articles. I am dry, and I always told myself when I was dry, I wouldn't write. There is nothing worse than killing something completely. Bowing out gracefully is the way to go. So this is what I'm doing. Which is perfect timing as I'm going on my holidays in a few hours. Two weeks of sun, sea and sand....
Well I've thought about this, and for once I think I should use as little words as possible. So thanks JU. Here's some funny pics, to make up for lack of words
I read articles about how to promote your blog all time, and in fear of looking stupid I refrain from posting comments on these blogs. I think they do provide valuable advice for those who take this blogging seriously. For me I don't think seriously is the right word. It's fun. I get to meet people (in the virtual sense, hehe) I get to share opinions. You know the drill. I'm guessing the majority of people here do this for the same reasons as me. Of course the points motivate some pe...
Oh, JU what have you done to me! I am starting to annoy myself, seriously, so god help those that have to put up with me on a daily basis. You see this whole blogging thing started off innocently, as a way of me writing my thoughts and feelings about things. You know a chick like me needs a place to waffle. I entered this innocently, knowing very little about blogging, and even less about this particular site. This was meant to be a diary. A diary of my very mundane life, but a place th...
If I come across rude in this blog I don't mean to, and I apologise, but this subject is really starting to wind me up, so here goes. As I've said on many occasions I value honesty a great deal. I do. People win my trust, and their honesty will keep our friendship strong. I'm honest on my blog. I tell people things that go on in my life. I voice real thoughts and opinions on things, I am the real me. I'm not though. I don't tell you everything about me, there are parts of me that I ...
They should really have a section in the blogging category for random waffle, because I would probably be the Queen of it, hehe. I don't really have anything to blog about today, not one particular subject, so I guess in theory I shouldn't be blogging. I do have things to say, sort of. They just aren't on any particular important subjects they are just random thoughts on blogging I guess. You see a few things amaze me about blogging, ok amaze might be a little strong, but you'll see what ...
I met Peter Maxwell probably around christmas time, and I was the same as most people, when faced with the great one himself, I didn't really know how to take him, and in a state of disbelief I just chose to ignore him. I did finally learn that everything he said was the truth, and he is a man of honour, once you reach this conclusion and believe me at some point everyone does, getting on with him is a whole lot easier! So during this time Petey joined JU and as far as I know, he became pre...
So I had to do it, I had to check out what the deal with MySpace was. So I went for a look.....I even created a profile (call it a scientific experiment) and my conclusion....well a fair summary would be that said profile is now deleted, and I will not be returning to that website. MySpace doesn't seem to be a good name for it....collectafriend.com is much better. Now I know alot of people have already given MySpace a good slating, so I'll try and keep this as constructive as possible. Wh...