"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
or in my case, lack of!
Published on October 20, 2004 By Sally jacobs In Blogging
I feel a bit out of things at the moment. I'm spending less time here, and things have changed. Of course that is what happens with this site. It is evolving all the time, and we as a community are evolving. I don't really feel part of the JU community at the moment, and that is no ones fault but my own. I don't exactly know how or when it happened. I think I've just had other things on my mind and JU has just taken a back seat. Some people here I considered to be friends, turned out not to be. Some people I didn't really give a chance, turned out to be decent people. Some people turned out to be jerks. That is just the way it is with a community, you take the good with the bad. I really miss some people who aren't here. I know many people had issues with them, but they brightened up my days, and made me smile.

I have some favourite blogs that I read everyday. That I actually get upset if them people don't blog. You'd be surprised some of the people that are among my favourite blogs. Which leads me to my main problem. Comments. I have become awful at comments. I read fabulous blogs, that I am just totally amazed at the talent of the writer, but I am lost for comments, and just don't know what to say, so I end up saying nothing. I have always had a problem with comments, but at the moment I'm at a blank with them. Even on my own blog, lovely people take the time to leave me comments, and it takes me ages to get back to them. In a blogging community it is about give and take. I didn't realise it at the start, and I think I forgot it now.

I'm not bothered about points, I'm not bothered about being in the top ten. I love the writing, and the people. When people left that I was close to. I just concentrated on the writing side of things, and not the community side. Just kept writing stuff, because that is what I love to do. That is what I was like at the beginning too. I rarely read other peoples blogs. Then I got into it. I felt part of other peoples lives. I started to care about people, and it was nice. Really nice, and I miss that.

Now when I look at recent articles, and posts and go to peoples blogs. Alot of them are people I have never seen around here before. That makes me feel really out of the community. That some things have just passed me by. I do feel at times I have spent to much time here. Now though, I don't think it's about the time. I think it's about how you spend it. JU has done wonderful things for my writing, it's opened my eyes to so many issues. I won't forget that and I hope I can get back into the community spirit, I really do.

on Oct 20, 2004

on Oct 20, 2004
Thanks raven
on Oct 20, 2004
I adore you sally, and you are a definite part of the "community" of JU to me.
on Oct 20, 2004
Sally, I hear you. It can be tough to feel at home in a rapidly changing environment such as this. For me the trick has been to 1) focus on my writing, my thoughts, etc. 2) visit my "favorite" bloggers blogs regularly and try to leave as meaningful of comments as possible. While there are many folks here whose writing I don't agree with, I have found that there are some folks who consistently write good stuff, so I try to make sure they know I appreciate their work.

Perhaps I don't feel a part of the full community, but I feel I am part of part of the community. If that makes any sense. Hope you can find your center here and keep on blogging.
on Oct 20, 2004
I'm a relative newcomer here, but I've read your work, Sally, and I like it. In my opinion, I'd say you were a thoughtful, valuable asset to this blog community, so this is my attempt to "bring over a cake" to new neighbors.

on Oct 20, 2004
You know I'll always lub joo Sally!! Your one of my constant reads on JU, and every day I check to see what you've written, and I'm sure I'm not alone in doing that.... So just know that there are people out there who enjoy your posts and thoughts like you do others.
on Oct 20, 2004
I am just totally amazed at the talent of the writer

Seems that would be a very nice comment and quite enough to say.

Good article
on Oct 21, 2004
adore you sally, and you are a definite part of the "community" of JU to me

Thanks Texas, same goes for you sweety

1) focus on my writing, my thoughts, etc. 2) visit my "favorite" bloggers blogs regularly and try to leave as meaningful of comments as possible.

Thats a good way of doing things. I do try to concentrate on my writing, and let everything else fall into place.

Hope you can find your center here and keep on blogging.

I'm sure I will. Thankyou.

I've read your work, Sally, and I like it. In my opinion, I'd say you were a thoughtful, valuable asset to this blog community

That is a very kind thing to say, thanks.

this is my attempt to "bring over a cake" to new neighbors

I'll be over with my cup of sugar soon . I've actually read a few of your articles, and was very impressed.

Your one of my constant reads on JU, and every day I check to see what you've written, and I'm sure I'm not alone in doing that

Thanks Mike, you're so loyal!

Seems that would be a very nice comment and quite enough to say.

Mason! Long time no see. As usual you point out what is so obvious. Thankyou.

Thanks all for the comments xxx
on Oct 22, 2004
I'm with you babe. I was only really, really into JU for a while there, but I'm still lurking about. I never have anything that I think is valuable to say and, to be honest, I've become really crap at keeping up with people's blogs so my comments are sporadic at best.

I suppose, as with all things, there are the glory days and then things move on. Sometimes faster than we'd like. You make this place so much brighter and happier by your mere presence so keep doing what you're doing and know that everyone really appreciates you. *hugs*

Take care hon,

Suz xxx
on Oct 22, 2004
Sal, i never know what to write in comments either. i just ramble and hope for the best!! I always love getting comments from you, and I love reading your articles too..I don't know anything about you being behind on the community thing or whatever..I only really have a few people's blogs I read on here, so I don't really do the community thing I guess. I'm one of these self obsessed reclusive types

Anyway, you know how valuable you are here honey. So Keep writing!

Dyl xxx
on Oct 23, 2004
I hope I can get back into the community spirit, I really do.

You never left it Sally babe. You'll always be part of the community spirit, regardless of the phases you go through. You leave an imprint in people's hearts everytime you blog, which is good stuff considering the thoughtful and hearty person you are. Keep it up hun,
on Oct 24, 2004

Hi Sally, how are you doing? You've been a bit quiet latrely, and it's not quite the same without your regular articles. I hope all is well. Even though you were saying you felt a little detached from the community lately, you're still one of the big guns on JU in my eyes. You have a big presence and interesting views, which is nice. Even though some of your recent ones were a little obscure and over my head, personally, they still made an interesting read. I hope to see you back soon,

on Oct 27, 2004
~waves to let sally know i was here.~

Thanks LW *waves back*

Suz I miss you so much. I know you're feeling like that, but I miss your articles, they are so thoughtful and happy. Say Hi sometime!

Thanks, Dyl, i love your comments to. I usually do the same, ramble and hope for the best. Your articles are always so beautiful. I'll never stop reading them, you're just so talented.

You leave an imprint in people's hearts everytime you blog, which is good stuff considering the thoughtful and hearty person you are.

Thanks Andy. I'm not sure you're right, but very kind of you to say. I had a bit of a break, but I'm still about, and I will get back to writing articles. How you doing? I've missed our little chats .

Thanks all, you're all lovely!