"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."

When I was younger I believed in fairytales. That a nice, kind man would come and find me. We would fall in love. Get married. Have children, and live happily ever after. Then the cold, harsh realities of life grabbed me by the throat, and have been choking me ever since. I had become rather jaded by the dating game. Desperately seeking the nice guys, and always ending up with the sometimes more exciting, but unfortunately more heart breaking bad boys. So what's a girl to do? Well unfortunately, as my darling Mother would say, all you can do, is kiss the frogs, until one turns into your prince. It is a time consuming, demoralizing task kissing boys, but someone has got to do it, hehe.

I have finally found him though. My Prince. I fear that is slightly corny, but in keeping with the feel of this blog, we will soldier on. Maybe a more realistic way of putting it is, I have found him who will put up with me. I am not easy, not by a long shot, but somehow he still loves me. All my little quirks that would even send the sanest of people packing to a mental institute, just seem to make him love me even more. It amazes me. I had honestly reached a point where I felt like I would have too....and I hate saying theses words....but I would have too.....SETTLE. *shudder*

It is coming up to a year that this boy has fell into my life, and I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that he is 'the one'. When I say 'the one', I mean 'the one', I have trapped and don't plan to let go of in a hurry, hehe. It's funny, because when I first met him, I liked him, alot, but it never even crossed my mind that in a years time I could be feeling this way about him. Somehow he has just fit into my life though. He, who I want to see after a long hard day. He is who I day dream about being with. He is who makes me feel like a princess. He is who makes me laugh and smile everyday. Most importantly, he is who I love.

Now as a female I don't always feel beautiful, or like the sexy goddess that men expect you to be. Somedays I wake up, and I feel like I have been beaten half to death with the ugly stick. I don't feel beautiful, and I as sure as hell don't feel sexy. I am sure alot of you out there know what I am talking about. He makes me feel beautiful everyday. Everyday he tells me how much he loves me, and just how beautiful I am. At first I didn't believe him, but I have to tell ya, this boy is persistant, and slowly but surely I start to realise that in his eyes, everyday I am beautiful, and the most important thing is, that is really all that matters.

on May 08, 2007
I wish you the best of luck, and hope all your dreams come true!
on May 08, 2007
Sounds like you found him, hon. Good for you.
on May 08, 2007
It is coming up to a year that this boy has fell into my life, and I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that he is 'the one'. When I say 'the one', I mean 'the one'

congrats,,,but years from now, after you 2 (or whomever you marry or settle down with) are not in the new and romantic stage, remember these days and realize that your man still feels the same way, even if the jobs, the kids, the bills, and the life don't let you 2 express it so easily as you did in the beginning.

a new romance is always great (and yeah, a year is still brand spankin new in the big picture) but your relationship, if it moves on to higher levels, will evolve. fantasy will eventually be replaced with reality, and some realities are harsh. but i can say that my wife and i's relationship is far more deeper in so many ways than the days when we used to constantly gush over each other like schoolkids.

but your part of the journey might be the most fun,,,enjoy!

on May 08, 2007
This is wonderful Sally! I'm happy for you!

I agree with Sean, even on the days when the bloom is not as poignant, don't forget these moments!
on May 08, 2007
wonderful to see you writing again. wonderful to see you happy.

MM breaks into song.

on May 17, 2007
Hey Sally,

I am happy to hear of your happiness and thanks for letting us share in it.

on May 17, 2007
congrats sally! It's lovely to see you happy.
on May 29, 2007

I'm so pleased to hear you've finally found a nice guy. See, I told you there was one out there for you and all you had to do was just wait for him to find you. And he did

Yes, it is really lovely to read you are so happy.