Well I think I have solved my writing problem. My whole lack of wanting to actually do anything online in fact. It wasn't that I didn't have ideas, or things to say. It was that I was uncomfortable typing. After some Nancy Drewing on my part, I concluded that it was my chair. That's right folks, I was just uncomfortable in my chair. So, we have bought a new chair, and here I am back blogging. Obviously this could of just been a mental block, that I have now convinced myself is over, due to a chair, when in fact it had nothing at all to do with a chair. But I am happy with fooling myself, so no problems there. It is actually quite comfortable. I like it. The novelty will ware off, but lets enjoy it whilst it's here.
So what is going on with me, apart from the whole chair thing? Well really that is the highlight. Life is ticking over just nicely. Though time is lacking at the moment, but over the next few months I have managed to get myself some time to chill out, which I will enjoy immensely. Obviously that is not complete relax time. Though I would like it to be. It is amazing how much enjoyment I get out of doing absolutely nothing. However, things tend to build up when you are busy all the time, and there are lots of mundane little tasks that I must take on. *Sigh* Life is so hard, hehe.
One of my tasks is to paint this room I am sat in now. I am looking around, and it really could do with a lick of paint. It is random thoughts like this, that I am having more often, that makes me realise that I am turning into a little old lady. Ahh well. Happens to the best of us. If I could think of a colour scheme I might take it on, though making decisions isn't something that I really enjoy.
Something that I am looking forward to is that I am going to see "The Producers" with the extremely talented Peter Kay. That I will really enjoy. I am all excited. I love going to the theatre. There is something so magical about it. For a few hours you escape into another world. You can't beat that.
I am very tired. So I think I will cut this blog short. Hopefully I will be back soon. I hope all my friends here at JU are doing ok. Take Care All.