"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
Published on June 1, 2006 By Sally jacobs In Blogging
I suffer from sleepless nights. When everyone else is tucked up in bed and dreaming. I'm wandering about the place, and wondering what I can possibly do to make me sleep. JU helps me at this time, because I usually end up reading articles. My favourite thing to do at the moment is read old articles, from current and past users. Because I'm in a state of half asleepness (don't think that's a word...but you get my drift) it's nice to read old articles, and appreciate what you already have before. Jeez...I could so word this better.

So I recently read an article from one of my favourite users, though they have left now, and thought I would post it here so you could all have a look at maybe something you missed. If anyone else would like to leave links to past blogs that really touched them, that would be ace. I always need something to look at during my sleepless nights. So thanks!


on Jun 01, 2006
I do mental mathmatics.  I was a math major, but will be the first to admit it is boring.  That was a good article tho.  Shame I missed it and him.
on Jun 01, 2006
Great article... Thanks for pointing it out.
on Jun 01, 2006
Yup that was a fun/disturbing read, thanks for posting a link to it Sally, and I hope you manage to get some sleep!
on Jun 02, 2006
That was a good article tho. Shame I missed it and him.

Yep, Marco is a fabulous writer. Thanks for reading it.

Great article... Thanks for pointing it out.

No worries

Yup that was a fun/disturbing read, thanks for posting a link to it Sally, and I hope you manage to get some sleep!

Haha...I've almost given up on having sleep, but I'm sure that it's got to come at some point!

Thanks for the comments guys xxx