"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
Published on June 8, 2006 By Sally jacobs In Blogging
I sometimes think I should pay JU for therapy. When I want to write, when I want to vent, when I want to share something, I come here, and out it all comes. In person I am pretty much the same. I have a very tough time keeping my emotions to myself. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and I hope that people appreciate that they at least get honesty from me, even if they don't always agree with what I have to say. I like people to be real. I also love the feedback I get from here. From people a million miles away, who take the time to read what I have to say, and care enough to write a response. Some of things I write, I would like to share with the people I know for real. Maybe give them some insight to things that they may not have known about me. Does that mean that I am a big fake with them though? I don't think I am, at all. I just think people don't always really listen. Especially when you are with a friend, and you presume you know everything there is to know about them. You can never know what is going on inside their heads though can you? Part of me thinks that it would be nice to point people in this direction, and give them a look into my mind. However scary that might be for them, hehe!

Then there's another part of me that thinks that I might start having to watch what I say. Not that I do loads of personal blogs, and spill loads about my friends and family, because I don't. Sometimes I like to though, and I hate to think that I would be always watching how I worded things, just incase I offended someone that I knew for real. Even though they would probably know my problem, here I can write it bluntly. I can just let my feelings and thoughts flow, without any worries. I like the privacy of it. Even though it's not private. I'm sat right bang in the middle of the information super highway. I'm a blank face, in a sea of many. No one really takes much notice of me on the grand scheme of things. I just carry on doing my own thing. People do read it though, but they don't know me.

See now I think I have something to hide, and I really don't. It's like having a diary. Where you write little parts of your soul. No one else can see, at least no one you have to face. That's how I see my blog. Even though it would be nice for people who know me for real to see it. I just don't think I would be comfortable with it. Is that wrong? I see this as a hobby, for me. So why should I share it? I showed by Dad the article I wrote about him, and he was very impressed, and pleased with the sentiment behind it. I liked that feeling. I just don't think I'm ready to go public just yet......

on Jun 08, 2006
I just think people don't always really listen. Especially when you are with a friend, and you presume you know everything there is to know about them. You can never know what is going on inside their heads though can you? Part of me thinks that it would be nice to point people in this direction, and give them a look into my mind. However scary that might be for them, hehe!

I think blogs are great for that purpose. People really don't always give 100% when listening to verbal conversations because often people's minds are forwarding to what they want to say next. But in blogs you have an outlet for rhetoric, to have a captive reading audience for just a minute or two every time you've got something on your mind. A great outlet. But who you want to share it with really depends: are there things you might hold back saying because now you know so-and-so is reading it? You mentioned you were a little concerned about that aspect of letting your blog go public; it's a real concern for many bloggers who like to keep their thoughts uncensored.

I opened my blog to my whole family as soon as I started. A few people read it once or twice at the beginning then stopped reading. Or at least they stopped commenting; for all I know they're all reading me silently like voyeurs, and that's unsettling because I don't know who knows what about me anymore. I reveal everything in my mind as I need to. Like you said, blogging is like therapy. One thing I wrote awhile back got me in quite a bit of trouble among my in-laws (that's the only indication I had that they were reading my private thoughts although they never left any comments). And my real family would have been upset too if they read it, but they never did.

I think writing is slowly becoming a lost art; in my own life I only know two people who enjoy writing. I think your family and friends would appreciate reading your innermost thoughts because writing is a talent you have, and who wouldn't want a glimpse of a loved-one's mind? But if they're slow to comment or to give you feedback it might be because writing isn't their scene. That's what I've learned about my loved ones anyhow.

One more thought: it's been more satisfying to me that I at least know my family has access to my blog. It's more satisfying to share personal thoughts with people we know than it is to share our thoughts with strangers. On the other hand, strangers are more likely to give more objective comments.

Pros & cons. Pros & cons.

(How embarrassing ~ my comment is longer than your article)
on Jun 08, 2006
Many of us blog under an alias, and only reveal our true selves to a select few.  My son has read my blog not knowing it was mine.  So yes, I do bare things that I would not want him to read.  But then I can make them private so only I can see it. 
on Jun 08, 2006
My wife reads my blog, as does one of my brothers. Sure, I use an alias here, but a lot of people who know in the real world know I use this alias. Like you, I find writing a useful therapeutic tool. Besides, I think there is not much point of having emotions if you're not prepared to show them.

Good article and great points, Sally.
on Jun 08, 2006
I know most my articles are written to be read by as wide an audience as I can attract. However, there are some I mark as private and others I write for a select few (so select that most people on the list don't even know their on it ;~D).

I love the fact that our blogs are as unique as ourselves. We get to decide what to write, what not to write and who to write too (if anyone at all). How you want your blog to develop is completely up to you, so don't feel good or bad about what you do with it or who you want reading it.
on Jun 08, 2006
I thought the private articles didnt appear on the forums but still appeared in our blogs for everyone to see if they go there?

Anyhoo Sally, I've asked myself many times if I should share my blog with some people and I still dont want to. It's like my secret garden, my playground, my pressshhhhious! lol

But I think i'll give it away to someone pretty soon. He bugged me about it for a while but now has stopped. Maybe now that he doesnt care he wont even visit it
on Jun 09, 2006

I thought the private articles didnt appear on the forums but still appeared in our blogs for everyone to see if they go there?

There are 2 types of private.  One is to keep them out of the forums, and then yes, others can still read them.  But there is also an option to allow only you to view an article, and then no one else can read it.

on Jun 09, 2006
all I know they're all reading me silently like voyeurs, and that's unsettling because I don't know who knows what about me anymore. I reveal everything in my mind as I need to. Like you said, blogging is like therapy

That's what would bother me, that I wouldn't know who was reading what. I could just start to think that no one is reading again, and then someone would pull me up on something.

I only know two people who enjoy writing. I think your family and friends would appreciate reading your innermost thoughts because writing is a talent you have, and who wouldn't want a glimpse of a loved-one's mind?

Thanks. I would like to give them an insight to this side of me, but doing so I also think it would take a little away from it, if that makes sense......

It's more satisfying to share personal thoughts with people we know than it is to share our thoughts with strangers. On the other hand, strangers are more likely to give more objective comments.


(How embarrassing ~ my comment is longer than your article)

It was much appreciated, thanks.

Many of us blog under an alias, and only reveal our true selves to a select few. My son has read my blog not knowing it was mine. So yes, I do bare things that I would not want him to read. But then I can make them private so only I can see it.

There is one person that reads my blog that knows me, and sometimes I wirte things that I get questioned on, but I can live with that!

My wife reads my blog, as does one of my brothers. Sure, I use an alias here, but a lot of people who know in the real world know I use this alias. Like you, I find writing a useful therapeutic tool. Besides, I think there is not much point of having emotions if you're not prepared to show them.

I also write under an alias, so no one would have any idea this is me. I do like to share my thoughts and feelings with people, you are right as always Maso!

I love the fact that our blogs are as unique as ourselves. We get to decide what to write, what not to write and who to write too (if anyone at all). How you want your blog to develop is completely up to you, so don't feel good or bad about what you do with it or who you want reading it.

Yes, it is for me, and I get something out for it. I suppose I can choose what I show, and to who.

But I think i'll give it away to someone pretty soon. He bugged me about it for a while but now has stopped. Maybe now that he doesnt care he wont even visit it

You know, the one person I mentioned that does read it, it worked out as a good thing. I was able to write things here that maybe I couldn't say to him, or found difficult to approach, it really gave him an insight into how I was thinking, and made certain issues easier to talk about.

Thanks for all the comments x
on Jun 11, 2006
A handful of people that I know, know that I write here, but nobody says much about it, and no one that I know has ever left a comment. I had a bit of a confrontation over it with my birthmother who claims she found it by accident, but wow... seems hard to believe. Ever since then, though, I do catch myself mulling whether or not to hit that old SUBMIT button.

And then I do it, anyway.

Those that care for me, like that I like Joeuser and understand its importance to me both creatively and socially.

on Jun 29, 2006
Thanks for the comment Nic, I have told a few people about my writing here, but none have pushed me for a look at it. For all I know they could be regular readers, but none ever comment. Which is fine by me. They know that it is a great outlet for me. So they just leave me to it.