"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
Sally jacobs's Articles In Personal Relationships » Page 2
September 15, 2004 by Sally jacobs
Have you ever come across anyone in your life that as much as you like and care about them, then can infuriate you just as much. I have that person in my life, this is to you, you know who you are Ten things I love about you... 1) When you speak to me I feel my heart melt, and nothing else seems to make sense 2) That you can make me laugh and smile, and you don't even try. 3) I can make very little sense, yet you understand. 4) You care, like no one else I know. You made ...
September 12, 2004 by Sally jacobs
Is there an age on love? I mean people suggest love has its price, but does it have its age limit too. I'm not talking about being to old to fall in love, I'm talking about mixed age relationships. 17-year-old Stacey Furneaux and 64-year-old love Brian Williams married yesterday. Her parents were against it, and didn't attend. They eloped to Scotland, so she could legally marry there. So is it right or wrong, and are we really the people to decide? I have to admit, that I judged. Spe...
September 11, 2004 by Sally jacobs
I saw a survery had been done about bisexuality, and I have to admit it got me rather excited. You see here in England, being bisexual is somewhat of a trendy thing. The stars are doing it, so why shouldn't we? It is fashionable it would seem to not have a preference for men or women. Or at least be willing to experiment. Sex is no longer just for making babies, it is fun, and something people enjoy doing. They especially like experimenting with it. Right now in England, a third of fem...
September 9, 2004 by Sally jacobs
I like conflict. In friendships, relationships. I like a bit of conflict. Now it takes alot for me to admit that. It's not something I am proud of, but it is true. If a friendship is going nicely, and just passing by, I get the need to cause a little conflict. I don't know if it is my way of testing the friendship, or injecting some excitement. It is not something I do intentionally, I just get itchy feet, and feel the need to cause a problem. Maybe it is because I never deal with pro...
September 8, 2004 by Sally jacobs
I like manly men. Men who are real men. A little rough and ready. I don't dig a man who spends more time getting ready than me. I don't like a man that just gazes at himself more than me. I don't like a man that will only wear designer clothes. I don't like fem men. It seems that we are living in a world that these men are becoming more and more popular. Men should care about their appearance, use creams on their face, have plastic surgery, buy nice clothes, be in touch with their fee...
September 6, 2004 by Sally jacobs
Life is about love. That all important special someone. I'm a romantic, shoot me. An idealist. I would love to be. I have realism to though baby. I buy into all this nice stuff for so long, then my cynical side comes and gives me a big huge kick in the ass, and reminds me that the world isn't so damn rosey after all. Prepare myself for a fall before the world does it for me. Oh yes my friends, that is how I think. Anyway, not making much sense here, as I was saying. I do like to bel...
September 2, 2004 by Sally jacobs
What is a friend exactly? The concept of friends confuses me. I recieved an e-mail today. You know one of them stupid, pass this on to so many people and they will be your true friends. This e-mail stated that we only ever had eight true friends. Eight? Hmmm....I don't know if I buy this. I guess it is all about what we consider a friend to be. We have friends for different reasons, on all different levels. We have people that will listen to us. We have people who entertain us. We ...
August 29, 2004 by Sally jacobs
The internet. A great invention. Opening the doors to hundreds of different worlds. Thousands of different sites. Millions of different people. We all here at JU use it to the best of our advantage. Having said that, the internet comes with its own stigma. You see you are a nameless, faceless person. It allows those of us that maybe are slightly socially retarded, something to hide behind. A chance to create something new for themselves. So the people using the internet either have ...
August 28, 2004 by Sally jacobs
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August 28, 2004 by Sally jacobs
I want your money. I don't really like you that much, but as I've put up with you for so long, I've let you touch me in an intimate way, I've laughed at your unfunny jokes, I've washed your clothes, met your friends, held your hand, for all these reasons and many more, I deserve a share in your money. I'm not going to date you for long, just long enough to get your feelings involved, so your heart flutters ever so slightly when you see me, just so that you reach the point where you're achin...
August 19, 2004 by Sally jacobs
Life is all about reactions, reactions and emotions. Here is one of my many philosphies on life, if someone can get any kind of reaction out of you, whether it be love, hate, vomiting, this person is having a profound effect on your life. Ok, so I'm sure that won't go down as one of the most philosophical quotes of all time, but you get my drift. People you care about make you mad, insanely mad, because they can. Because you let them get that close, that they are given the tools from whic...
August 18, 2004 by Sally jacobs
Hugh Hefner, the playboy founder. Every man wants to be him, and every lady wants to be one of his girlfriends. Or so he would like you to think . Though an alarming amount want to join his hareem it would appear. He is never short of a lady or two on his arm. His seven girlfriends have been reduced to three due to unrest between the ladies. I don't know how that could be! Surely they should just be glad they had the opportunity to be with him in the first place. Surely the title of ...
August 15, 2004 by Sally jacobs
I am very self aware. Maybe to much sometimes. I know I'm not perfect. I'm far from it, and I wouldn't want to be, that's the truth. To be perfect would mean I wouldn't have what people consider to be my bad points. Them bad points make me who I am, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I enjoy arguments, I see them as a form of debating, and I find it good fun. I am very opinionated, I just about have an opinion on everything, and it can get very tedious. I'm moody. I'm very stubbor...
August 15, 2004 by Sally jacobs
I have a hangover, yuckuy, yuck, yuck. We went out for my sisters birthday last night. We went to a restaurant, and had a meal, it was nice. The food wasn't excellent, but I'm a fussy eater and the others seemed to enjoy it, so it must have just being me. My sister had to go home after the meal because she had Maddy Mae, and a few of us went to a club for some dancing. So here's my usual rant about when I go clubbing. Why do men think it's ok to grab my ass? Please someone tell me. Be...
August 13, 2004 by Sally jacobs
No matter what sexuality you are, it is something you are born with, right? It isn't a choice of a lifestyle, you like men, or you like women. Someone doesn't grow up and suddenly think, oh I'm going to like men now. That for me isn't how it works. In the early years of deciding sexual orintation, maybe you are a little confused, maybe society tells you, you should like people of the opposite sex, and to fit in you do so. Deep down inside you know what you really like though, how can you...