Love is all about balance. Getting things just right. Give and take between two people. Balance of trust. Balance of physical attraction. Just an all round good feel. I was talking to my friends bf today. Nice boy. The word 'boy' is key here. I actually like him. I think he cares about my friend, and has genuine good intentions towards her. For that, in my book he is a good guy. However, I am guilty of sometimes pushing my opinions down other peoples throats, and just jumping all ...
I know I blog about love related issues alot....that is maybe because the topic bugs me a little, and it is a concept I just can't grasp. Maybe that's just because I am still searching for it, and therefore it is still a complete mystery to me. My question today do you know when you have found the 'one' and is there indeed just a 'one' or is there a few? I think my problem lies with trusting people. It is something I struggle with on a daily basis. When people are nice to me, ...
Sometimes I just don't understand my generation. Maybe that's because I'm really a 62 year old, stuck in a 22 year olds body. Maybe it is the people that I associate with. I don't know. I'm at a loss though, I really am. I'm not sure if it's just me or not, so let me share with you..... My friend went on a date. Now for starters my friend doesn't really do dates. She's more of buy me a few drinks and take me home kind of girl. As are, alot of people I know. They seem to miss out o...
I have come to a conclusion about myself. It's about me and men. I think I like the kind of bloke that's going to hit me over the head, throw me over his shoulder and take me back to his cave. Where he will then grunt at me, while I look after him, and take care of his every need. Grrr! The thing is, I don't like pretty boys. You know the kind of bloke I'm talking about. The one that spends longer in the bathroom than you do. The kind that dresses better than you do. The type that ha...
After hearing the sad news about Heather Mills and Sir Paul McCartney, and their divorce, it got me thinking about marriage. Many people think that Heather was only ever with him for his money. Well I suppose that is something we will never know. She had a baby with this man and spent 4 years (ish) with him. So I guess there was some feelings there. However, she is set to recieve quite a settlement deal. If it was true love would she take all that money? Or would she accept just enoug...
According to the experts, there is a science to love. Who knew? I came across an article that gave you 10 crazy facts about love...I am now going to share these facts with you JU...I know, you're lucky, hehe..... 1. It’s like looking in a mirror! This one is pretty simple really, we like people that look like ourselves. A study was done with 200 participants, and they were asked to view digitally altered human faces. We like the features we are most familiar with, whether that be...
I'm such a chick. Honestly I am a complete sucker for a good old fashioned love story. I'm not huge on my friends telling me about the unmentionable things they have done to a guy whos name they don't remember. That tends to not sit right with me, but when I hear a story of someone falling in love and they tell you how it grew over time, and now they feel that person is part of them. I'm a sucker. There's just something about that feeling, and hearing someone that has fell in love, it me...
Love, oh love sweet love. It's what we all really want. Deep down. We want someone to hold at night, someone who loves us and we love in return. We want company, someone to make us laugh, and someone to make us feel better when we cry. Obviously the space inbetween finding that person can be a little blurry and there are other pleasures that people are after with another person, but the need for love is in everyone, no matter if people admit it or not. So I want to talk about how people...
We are all very different people. We like different things. Different things upset us. Different things make us cry. That's just the way life goes. We will all have many different people in our lives. Friends, relatives, people we work with, go to school with. So we will know many different kinds of people and be able to get along with them. However, there will be one person that you get on with better than anyone else. That one person who is your best friend. Who you click with bet...
Well today for a change I have lots to say, wow I've really just set myself up for a fall there haven't I! I'll finish this sentence, and be like was that really it?? my mood today, hmmm, how to sum it up...Blah is a good word....I like it, blah! Shout it loud, it will make you feel better I promise. I'm in a funny mood today, but I wonder if you feel like this most days, is it really funny? Or is that just how I generally am, a little funny? Don't feel you have to answer tha...
I like the rain. Most people like the sun. There's something about the rain. I don't know what it is. Today was a truely miserable day. Grey and rainy outside. I didn't like the rain today. Today the rain covered me in a blanket of loneliness that I just can't shake off. It's like it's suffocating me, and I don't know what to do about it. You see feeling lonely isn't a normal feeling for me. I don't get lonely. When I want to be around people I am. When I don't, I'm not. More oft...
There are many things I am hopeless at. Many, many ways that I know I'm not perfect. When you are continually made aware of these things by someone you care about, it does start to irritate you slightly. I can't really explain my feelings at the moment. If I was to use one word right at this moment I would use confused. About everything. Which is an emotion I am learning to cope with. As it seems to be used alot when thinking about you and me. Where I stand with you I don't know. You...
Love is a complicated thing. It would be disappointing if it was anything but complicated. If it didn't stretch you in the slightest, and didn't confuse you at any point, you would wonder what all the fuss was about. Why love was the promised land. People can live very happy fulfilled lives and not be in love. It isn't the be all and end all. It is an added bonus if anything. For love to touch your life, you should be honoured, because real love, is very hard to find, and for those of ...
Goodbye. You know I think I'm pretty strong. I know what I want and I generally get it. I don't need anyone. No one to look after me. No one to care for me. No one I care for. I don't need anyone. I said that right? When I was at school, I remember wanting to fit in. I remember everyone else wanting to fit in. Wanting to be liked, and doing whatever to fit in that stereotype. To be different just wasn't the right thing. To stand alone just wasn't the right thing. To be alone at ...
Ok, so I'm pretty open minded, and I think I have admited before that I would like to one day kiss a woman. Not because I am attracted to women, just for the experience of it. However speaking as an open minded young woman, I do know an attractive lady when I see one. So JU who would make you switch sides? Is there someone that you think is totally attractive even though you aren't usually attracted to that sex? Mine is........the very foxy Angelina Jolie. Oh yes....she is one tasty l...