"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
Learning to walk away.....
Published on August 19, 2004 By Sally jacobs In Personal Relationships
Life is all about reactions, reactions and emotions. Here is one of my many philosphies on life, if someone can get any kind of reaction out of you, whether it be love, hate, vomiting, this person is having a profound effect on your life. Ok, so I'm sure that won't go down as one of the most philosophical quotes of all time, but you get my drift. People you care about make you mad, insanely mad, because they can. Because you let them get that close, that they are given the tools from which they can hurt you. Your average joe on the street can't do that, because lets face it, they don't matter to you. They can hurt your feelings, briefly, but they can't have a long term effect. Logically speaking, those closest to you, are the ones that hurt you the most. So the question is when is enough, enough?

No one is perfect, people are going to hurt you at one point or another, that's just the way life is, and on occasion that is something you can forgive. They only hurt you because you care about them so damn much. You meet someone that you completely connect with. They become your best friend in the whole wide world. You tell them your problems, they provide reassuring words, reassuring hugs, and make you feel better. These people will fight your battles for you till the end. They will sit up all night with you and listen to you, just because, they're your friend. These are the people you laugh with, cry with. These people, you are your most naked with. They see you, no one else. You. They love that person though, just as you love them. Perfection, huh. Ha....life is never so simple. With the good will come the bad. This friend will upset you at some point, it will hurt even more because it is them. They may even hurt you more than other people, but they are forgiven more than other people, because they are that special. Soon that bad feeling towards them is as equal as the good, but you fight through it, because yes, they are so special. Soon them bad times outweigh the good times, but yet you stick with them, because yes, they are so special. Soon there are no good times, but you stay with them, because yes, you remember how special they were.

When is enough, enough? When do you reach that point where you can't be hurt anymore. That though they are great people, the amount they hurt you for whatever reason just isn't enough to keep them in your life. One of the toughest decisions you'll have to reach. To cut out an amazing part of your life. There will be a weight lifted though, you can guarantee it. I have a friend going through this at the moment. I love her to bits, I think she is truely wicked. This was a decision she had to reach herself. We knew she was hurting, alot, but she had to hurt to gain the strength to walk away. It will be best in the long run, them odds just mean there will be no future.

Life is a strange thing. I don't inderstand how it works. I wouldn't want to though. To know where this ride was going would spoil the fun. To know why certain things work, would ruin the joy we get out of figuring them out for ourselves. To know how to avoid pain, would mean I never knew the true joy of love. There is a reaction for everything. It's all just one big learning adventure.

To my friend, I miss you, and I love you chicken, be strong xxxxx

on Aug 19, 2004
Anne Rice had a quote in one of her books I think in the Vampire Lestat, that said "It’s an awful truth that suffering can deepen us, give a greater luster to our colors, a richer resonance to our words.  That is, if it doesn’t destroy us, if it doesn’t burn away the optimism and the spirit, the capacity for visions, and the respect for simple yet indispensable things."
on Aug 20, 2004
Brilliant post babe.

I don't think that there's much I can say because you seem to have said it all already!

Talk soon. Thank you.

Suz xxx
on Aug 20, 2004
Speaking of quotes, one of my favorites -

"When we learn something, we gain knowledge...

When we lose something, we gain wisdom..."

I think we can all understand that one - you articulate it so well Sal

on Aug 21, 2004
"It’s an awful truth that suffering can deepen us, give a greater luster to our colors, a richer resonance to our words. That is, if it doesn’t destroy us, if it doesn’t burn away the optimism and the spirit, the capacity for visions, and the respect for simple yet indispensable things."

What a beautiful quote, thankyou

I don't think that there's much I can say because you seem to have said it all already!

It's the waffler in me, hehe!

"When we learn something, we gain knowledge...When we lose something, we gain wisdom..."

Ahhh how true is that, thanks Mugz!

Thanks for the comments guys xxx