"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
Sally jacobs's Articles In Misc » Page 5
August 30, 2004 by Sally jacobs
I've just watched a documentary that has wound me up beyond belief. This programme was originally about girl gangs. To see just how bad the 'gang' situation was in England. This programme followed three young girls. Fifteen or sixteen, and what they go through day to day. They totally infuriated me. Rude, ignorant and stupid is what they were, and I have hardly any sympathy for them. The man that did the documentary thinks they are a product of society. I think that, that's an excuse....
September 7, 2004 by Sally jacobs
Politics a huge thing for the people of JU. Something that I generally avoid as I have said before, mostly due to a lack of interest and knowledge. Politics is a very important subject, because it effects all of us, whether we like to think it or not. Some of us are happy for decisions to be made for us. To live our lives by other peoples rules, whether we like it or not. To simply have an easy life, where we just nod and agree, and simply carry on with our lives. Then we have others of...
September 9, 2004 by Sally jacobs
I wrote an article not long ago about my love for my boobs, and how much I loved them. During a conversation with a friend today, we were discussing why women beat themselves up so much, and had so many things they hated about themselves. I won't go into detail about this, as he already bagged that article. I will just touch on it slightly, that women have so many people telling them they should look a certain way, it is difficult not to feel inferior, when you aren't quite up to standard....
September 8, 2004 by Sally jacobs
I have never being a great sleeper. Even as a small child I needed very little sleep, and was more interested in what mischief I could get up to while everyone else slept. As an adult my sleep has not improved any. I get on average about six hours a night, if I'm lucky. My sleep though is never disturbed. Once I am asleep, not alot can wake me up. It's just the actual getting to sleep that is a problem, and I tend to wake up early, which also can be a problem. I don't sleep walk, or ta...
September 29, 2004 by Sally jacobs
There are many things I can't do. I can't play a musical instrument. I can't speak another language. I can't drive. There is one thing I would love to be able to do, but it's not something you can really learn. I would love to be able to draw. I'd love to be able to think of an image in my head, and be able to just transport it to a piece of paper. How I would love that. Unfortunately that isn't going to happen, because I can't even draw stick people. I am totally in awe of people t...
October 7, 2004 by Sally jacobs
I adore sex and the city! I think it is fab, and was heartbroken when they finished the series. In my opinion it rocks. Sassy, sexy women, who know what they want and aren't afraid to go out and get it. They all wanted the same thing, in their own different ways, they just had different ways of going about it. The best thing about this programme was they were all so different, but yet remained really good friends ( don't worry I know it's not real). Well here's my problem....I'm going...
October 5, 2004 by Sally jacobs
I don't think I take life very seriously. I have a friend that worries about every element of their life. Worries about the future, the past. I'm not completely heartless. I just tend not to worry about the important things. Recently I found a lump on my breast. At first I wasn't worried. Maybe I wanted to bury my head in the sand, maybe I thought it would go away. I checked it regularly and realised I had to do something about it. I went to the doctors, and it turned out to be nothi...
October 8, 2004 by Sally jacobs
First impressions are very important. We put alot on first impressions, and theyy are often difficult to change. They can work in a positive and negative way. If we meet someone and we don't like how they look, they are in a bad mood, or they are rude. Even if this is a one off, we will remember this behaviour. That will be what we remember when we think of that person. These things are difficult to change. Even if we after that they give us a good impression, it will be difficult to f...
October 14, 2004 by Sally jacobs
The internet is a wonderful place it opens up all kind of doors for us. We have google at our fingertips which just about has information on everything. We can organize our lives online. That's why it's so wonderful. We can shop, listen to music, find latest reviews, see what's on at the cinema. Some people use it to download music and games. Now many artists had a problem with this, that it was taking away from music sales and so on. Though the majority of their money isn't made throu...
October 15, 2004 by Sally jacobs
I am a magnet for the strange folks of the world. I don't know what it is about me, but they are all just drawn to me. I think I must look friendly or something. I did a very brave thing today, and went on public transport. Silly, silly me. I had two encounters, and I just didn't know how to respond to either. The first one was erm...odd. I was drinking a bottle of water and this guy was sat in front of me. He glanced behind him a few times and I didn't think anything of it. He was ...
October 18, 2004 by Sally jacobs
Well it's official JU I am an old boring hag. I went out on Saturday night for a drink with the girls and then on to a club to shake my ass in an r'n'b club. Sounds all fun doesn't it. Can I just ask, when did the world get so violent? Maybe it's just because I don't see it, but I witnessed so many fights, and so many injuries on Saturday, it was awful. Why do people get so nasty when they have had a few drinks. We were waiting outside the club to get in, me and some friends. I was mes...
November 5, 2004 by Sally jacobs
I am slightly obsessed with theme tunes. I think music can draw such emotion, or when you think back to something and you hear the music it just brings it home. So if we were looking back at a compilation of highlights from this election, what music would it be too? I heard this song, and I thought it was perfect, from Bush's perspective at least. I'm a secret Queen fan btw . I've paid my dues Time after time I've done my sentence But committed no crime And bad mistakes I've made...
November 25, 2004 by Sally jacobs
I am generally a pretty private person. I don't like to share to much with people. I guess it's an issue of trust really. I trust hardly anyone, and those I do choose to trust, I only have different levels of trust for them. It would be difficult for me to tell you people I trust completely. There's one, maybe two people I trust completely. With everything. I find it difficult to tell people things. My family is like a running Jerry Springer show. There's always things that are going...
November 26, 2004 by Sally jacobs
I have this annoying friend, who has an office job. Her favourite task for her work filled days, is forwarding me stupid e-mails. Which tell me that unless I pass this on to one hundred people in ten minutes I will die a horrible death, or something along them lines. Usually when I recieve these little treasures from her, I just delete them, without even opening them. This one had quite an interesting title, it went along the lines of..... SALLY I KNOW YOU HATE THESE, BUT YOU REALLY MU...
December 19, 2004 by Sally jacobs
I shouldn't be writing this blog. I'm in a horrible mood. Due to many things. Which I will share here, I suppose. It might make me feel less grumpy though I doubt it. I decided I would throw myself into the xmas festivities. With Christmas there is two paths you can go down, you can either be like the grinch, moan at everything and whinge and moan some more, or you can embrace it, and enjoy the plus points it has to offer. I decided a little embracing. Last night I had a xmas party to...