I am a typical Brit. My heart is always with the underdog. I can't even really explain why. I like it that you can expect the unexpected from people. That someone works so hard for something, they pour their heart and soul into it, and they get there in the end. I have so much respect for that. I believe that have people put their mind to something, no matter how far out of their reach it is they can achieve it. Hard work and dedication can get you a long way. I am only young, and I haven't really decided what kind of career that I would like to get into, maybe writing, but whatever I decide to do it in, it will be something that I dedicate myself too. I will work hard and I will achieve it. What got me thinking of this, is, I have a group of friends. We all get on pretty well. However, there is one person that really annoys everyone else. Somehow they have managed to alienate themselves from everyone. They haven't even really done anything to irritate anyone. They are just a genuinely annoying person. They constantly need to be the centre of attention. They create complete drama out of nothing. They are extremely demanding. So I can understand how people would get annoyed with them. However, slowly but surely my group of friends have turned on this person. Until it reached a situation where everyone just turned on this one person. Even though their behaviour was fully deserved. I couldn't stand it. Because to me it just looks like bullying and my heart went out to that person. So of course I had to say something, leaving myself less than popular with the rest of the people in our group. Now I know that they aren't really the underdog, but they were out in the cold on their own. I felt for them.
These situations arise constantly, on blog sites, and in work places, and at school, and wherever. Things can turn into a bit of a witch hunt. Things like that really don't sit right with me. I don't mind if people have a problem with someone, and they tell them. It's when it turns into loads of people, against just one person. I know that nine times out of ten it is only what this person deserves. It almost leaves me annoyed with myself that I do feel sorry for them, but I just can't help it. No matter what situation you are in, not everyone is going to get on. When I was at school, I was lucky, because I was pretty popular. People liked me, and I was never bullied or anything like that. I did see it happen though. To me bullying is the weakest behaviour anyone can ever be capable of. To bully someone, to make their life hell, and to do it for some kind of personal gratification is nothing short of completely pathetic. I've seen it happen, and I have never being able to keep my mouth shut. The only fight I was ever in at school was over this. It was with my best friend too (she still is). We was sat in a Science lesson, and there was taps. The teacher had left the room, and everyone proceeded to start throwing water at each other, which was fine. There was this group of girls though, who were really quiet, and shy, and didn't really get involved in any of this. Fair enough. My friend started throwing water at them. None of the girls said anything, but you could see they looked uncomfortable, and wanted her to stop. She just continued to do it. Now really it was upto them to say, stop it. They didn't though. So I told her too. She carried on though, and I got more and more annoyed about it. Until an argument started between us, and some girly hair pulling ensued (we was only 14).
When this argument started with my friend, it reminded me of that situation. People have a right to be annoyed, they have a right to voice that. When it becomes a huge issue for everyone, and they are finding it impossible to get over, then I think something is wrong. Part of me wanted to make things better for this person. To tell my friends to calm down. Then there is another part of me that thinks, well why should they if they are annoyed? This person hasn't helped themselves. I've watched as they have been backed into a corner, and they have had nowhere to go, and out of pure frustration they have lashed out, making the situation even worse. Now obviously for that situation the simple answer is, just some space from each other. What about if it was someone you worked with though, or you was forced to see all the time? Then it would be even more irritating. Now I'm not perfect. There are people who annoy me. Who irriatate the hell out of me in fact. I can tell them though. I just don't like to see people become an underdog, and in a situation where there seems to be no way out, and everyone hates them. Most situations aren't that serious. Maybe I am just to soft.