"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
Published on June 6, 2006 By Sally jacobs In Misc
This just really amused me, and I had to share. I'll just give you the short version of this story, and then you can look at the link. A guy sold a broken laptop on ebay. The person who bought the laptop managed to fix it, and in the process managed to get hold of alot of personal pictures and information that this guy had on it. He then set up a webpage all about it.....


on Jun 06, 2006

That Amir. What a dufus.

I'm glad he was publically humiliated. He deserved it.
on Jun 06, 2006
Sometimes the best revenge does not cost a cent.
on Jun 06, 2006
That was a funny site, thanks for sharing! That's why I'm afraid to make big purchases on-line, crap like that happens.
on Jun 06, 2006
... gasp... Absolutely brilliant. Any time I read about idiots like this who get caught out, it just makes my day. Thanks so much for sharing this. What a great laugh...
on Jun 06, 2006

I bought an air guitar from a guy on ebay. I still haven't received it.
on Jun 07, 2006
I bought an air guitar from a guy on ebay. I still haven't received it.

I told you, Mason. It's coming via airmail.

Geesh, you people...lol!
on Jun 07, 2006
sweet sweet revenge, glad the asshat got what he had coming to him

the dude must be a super loser to not try to pay up or get it back the other way...
Like, what about his parents? siblings? job? sheesh!
on Jun 08, 2006
Glad you all liked it. I was especially freaked out about his obsession with womens legs...weird...
on Jun 08, 2006
Smells like an "urban legend" to me.
on Jun 08, 2006
I'm sorry, this has nothing to do with this article. I'm new looking to contact the "Powers That Be" that administer this website! Isee no connection to a support or admin staff. If any of you know how to do a direct 1-2-1 on the PC police here please let me know at stewartmr@charter.net because I may be blacklisted from this site by mythgarr as well as the religion site. I'm sure it's just me, but I can't fiqure out how to contact the managersat this site! Thanks, Stewart
on Jun 08, 2006
LOL Served! I feel that shame is the best way to punish somebody.
Reminds me of this, which I was going to post a blog of, but I guess I'll just link it on here: http://www.evanwashere.com/StolenSidekick/