My mind can sometimes be a scary place to be. I sometimes shock myself with the mad things I come up with and then I usually share them with the lucky folks of JU! AOL Released the search histories of over 650,000 users. It made me think just what would people find if they looked through my search history. Here is just a few examples of what they found.... AOL user 311045 apparently owns a Scion XB automobile in need of new brake pads that is in the process of being upgraded with performan...
I was late for work today. I was sat on the bus, cursing the bus driver, traffic, early mornings, and the fat guy who was pratically sat on my knee. Life just wasn't all that sweet at 8am this morning. There was police about the place, and a section of a bridge was sectioned off. I didn't really pay much attention, as I was to busy directing my anger at the rest of the world. It was only later that I learnt that the police were there because a woman was threatening to jump of that bridge, and t...
I've met some new people this week. As many of you know I am not really a social butterfly. I am more like a social slug. This isn't really down to an inability to get along with people, it is more down to the fact that I don't want too. I know that sounds awful, but I'm really not a people person. I like to have a close circle of friends, and people I trust, and I'm not really bothered about anyone else. I hate people phoning me all the time, people asking me to go out places all the time, and...
I always knew as a chick I was a little richer than men, but now it's official. According to the Inland Revenue there are now more female millionaires aged between 18 and 44 than there are males. Currently women own 48% of the nation's personal wealth, but there are predictions this will rise to 60% by 2025. Nicola Horlick, herself an extremely successful business woman, launched Bramdiva, a financial advisory service for women with assets of a million pounds or more. She started trying to ...
Monday mornings are designed to make you feel crappy. There is just no doubt about it at all. You look and feel rougher than usual. Well at least I do. This Monday morning was no different. I was up at the ungodly hour of 7am. I know, how ever do I cope! I had to run about like a headless chicken, because I'm not one to prepare things. Where's the fun in that? So at about 8am I found myself in the middle of town, resembling the living dead, and searching for somewhere to get my picture taken. I...
I can't be helped. I hate not knowing how to do things, and taking advice from those closest to me, I just find impossible. I don't know what it is, but I get all frustrated and angry, and end up throwing the towel in. Where as coming from people I don't know, I manage alot better. I like to be good at things, and I hate it when I am in a position where I just don't know what to do. So, this leads us to a little problem. Just a little one. My bloke wants to teach me how to play chess. Because I...
My Grandad is a lovely bloke. I see many of my traits in him, he is loud and opinionated, and me and him are capable of having some good discussions, and along the way he teaches me alot, and that is important. At the moment his philosophy on life is, he is at an age where he can say what he wants, without worrying about offending people....and well he does. Now to an extent I agree with this. You should be open and honest about what you think, and generally in the bigger picture people will re...
This is a video of a stunt in a playground where two girls were thrown from a roundabout that was powered by a moped. Police here are investigating this footage after they were alerted from people who had seen the footage on a US website. Considering the girls look to be only about 12/13 it is pretty bad. The roundabout looks to reach about 20mph and then the girls are thrown off. Not nice. It isn't nice so be warned before you look. Link
There is a really annoying advert doing the rounds here in sunny 'ol England at the moment. It's for Kellogs Frosties. It has a jingle that is so annoying that you can't help but sing it. It only takes seeing the advert once, and you are hooked trust me. They are going to taste greeeeeeeeeeat! Here's the link for you brave souls that are into self abuse Link . I have to say I find this kid, and the advert extremely annoying. I was at my sisters the othe...
You come across alot of things on the internet that you are unsure to believe or not. If it sounds good, I tend to believe it, if not, I don't. Who needs facts, huh? I came across an article today that told of a man called Darren Sherman who met a woman called Joanne through J-Date which is for Jews. These two meet through this site, Darren asks Joanne out on a date, and they go and eat at a restaurant. Sounds good so far, right? Darren pays, though Joanne offers to half the check. At...
My next door neighbour is a strange little man. He has never actually done anything to me, he is just strange. Sometimes he acknowledges my excistence and then other days he looks right through me. It just really depends on which way the wind is blowing. Sometimes he talks, sometimes he doesn't, sometimes he stares, sometimes he doesn't. He is just strange. He doesn't know me, and I don't know him. There are people who I see everyday, and I don't have a clue about any part of their life. I don'...
I watched a TV show last night, that was all about the school days. I am one of these sad people who really misses school, and I do look back fondly at my school days. Obviously I didn't realise at the time just how much I would miss them! This show had celebrities on it, talking about their favourite teachers, and their memories of school, and it was quite a nice little programme. One thing they did with each celeb was show a picture of them as a school child, and they w...
I woke up today in a much better mood, and the sun was shining, so I decided to go for a nice leisurely walk in the park. Good idea, right? Years ago, when I was much younger, I could waste away hours in the park. For the life of me I can't actually remember what I was doing, but at that age time flew by without me taking that much notice of it. I took my walk in the late afternoon when the kids were just getting out of school, so there was quite a mixture of people about the place. Some playin...
This just really amused me, and I had to share. I'll just give you the short version of this story, and then you can look at the link. A guy sold a broken laptop on ebay. The person who bought the laptop managed to fix it, and in the process managed to get hold of alot of personal pictures and information that this guy had on it. He then set up a webpage all about it..... Link
I'm talentless. This isn't me looking for a pity vote, or feeling sorry for myself. This my friends is a harsh reality. There is nothing I shine at. There is nothing I have a natural ability in. That I can see myself doing, and I know that I'm good at it. I'm decidedly average at most things, and really bad at a few. You would think that there was at least one thing I was good at, or one thing that I showed natural ability in, but there really isn't. I do consider myself to be average...