"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
Published on August 12, 2006 By Sally jacobs In Misc

I can't be helped. I hate not knowing how to do things, and taking advice from those closest to me, I just find impossible. I don't know what it is, but I get all frustrated and angry, and end up throwing the towel in. Where as coming from people I don't know, I manage alot better. I like to be good at things, and I hate it when I am in a position where I just don't know what to do. So, this leads us to a little problem. Just a little one. My bloke wants to teach me how to play chess. Because I can't, and I would really like to be able too. He has told me it's pretty 'simple' which has made alarm bells ring already. Because what if I don't find it simple, and what if he thinks I'm stupid, and we both get frustrated, and that's that. He's made a few attempts to get me to play, and I'm having none of it. Everything was going alright, he just didn't think I wasn't THAT interested in the game. Stupid me though, let it slip, that I would actually like to learn how to play, and he was completely confused at why I wouldn't let him teach me.

I would like to learn to play, and I would have a lot more patience with someone who I didn't know, and they would probably have more patience with me. Well obviously not a complete stranger....but I am guessing there might be a way to learn online. OOHHH....I could learn online, then ask him to teach me and wow him with my brilliance. HA! Anyway, I am losing the point of this blog, because it isn't about learning to play chess (though I would like to) it is more about my inability to accept help. I just find it really hard to do, even advice on certain topics, from people who I am close to I really find it hard to swallow, and I don't really know what it's about. Another perfect example of this is when my computer messed up a while ago, and a friend of mine, who is a computer geek tried to help me, and every single moment he was helping me, I hated it.

Now writing this blog, I think I am starting to see where maybe the problem is. I struggle asking for help and recieving it when it is on a subject that I feel I should already know about. Like really, I feel I should of learnt to play chess along time ago, and I feel like I should know more about my computer than I do. Then there are topics that I don't think twice about asking about, like anything about a car. I accept I know nothing about a car. So if I needed advice I would ask, because I want the advice, I don't really want to learn for myself. Maybe that's it, that I can take advice, but when it comes to actually learning about something, and how to do it myself I find it tough. I think that with the chess, I might have to just swallow my pride and allow him to teach me. I'm going to find it tough, but it's all about growth, isn't it?

on Aug 12, 2006
I think at one point or another we've all been down that road. At least I know I have. Sometimes it's difficult to say you're in need of help because you dont' want to bother anyone. And yes, it seems that you ( and me too) should already know how to do some things and pride will get in the way of not only asking but accepting help from anyone.

I've learned to get over myself when it comes to that and just reach out and ask when I need help with something. I don't have all the answers, and I'm sure you know you don't too. So don't beat up on yourself too much. Yes you can be helped, you just have to be humble and accept it when it's being given to you.
on Aug 12, 2006
Rooks go in straight lines; bishops go in diagonals; kings only move up, left, or right one space, I think back as well; queens go where ever they please (straight or diagonal); pawns move straight forward one space, two when you first move it if you want to move two; knights go in an L shape, two long and one over or one long and two over. I think I got them all....

So, there's a starter course for you. I know that's not the point...but I decided to help anyway.

Accepting help is sometimes hard...because you have to admit that someone does something better than you and might look down on you for it. I have a bit of arrogance when it comes to things like that, I'd rather figure things out for myself...which I usually do, and that can be the hard way. It may seem awkward, but at least you earn a new skill out of it all.

on Aug 12, 2006

kings only move up, left, or right one space

Except when Castling.


on Aug 13, 2006

So don't beat up on yourself too much. Yes you can be helped, you just have to be humble and accept it when it's being given to you.

Thanks for them words, I know you are right.  I just need to be humble and swallow my pride, it's just difficult to do sometimes!

Rooks go in straight lines; bishops go in diagonals; kings only move up, left, or right one space, I think back as well; queens go where ever they please (straight or diagonal); pawns move straight forward one space, two when you first move it if you want to move two; knights go in an L shape, two long and one over or one long and two over. I think I got them all....

Ugh...sounds complicated!

I have a bit of arrogance when it comes to things like that, I'd rather figure things out for myself...which I usually do, and that can be the hard way. It may seem awkward, but at least you earn a new skill out of it all.

Yes, I'm the same.  I usually suffer through and find out myself.  Asking for help would be alot easier at times though!

Thanks all xxx

on Aug 14, 2006
I used to be like this... Then I just start asking for help. Now, if I don't know something, I just google it and find out. Google is never wrong...
on Aug 15, 2006

this... Then I just start asking for help. Now, if I don't know something, I just google it and find out.

Ahh I can ask google for help at anytime, hehe!