Blogging has slowly become something that fits into my everyday life. Just like waking up and getting dressed, at some point I try and fit time in to read some blogs, and write something. I don't even really think about it, it's just become naturally. Along with everyone here at JU, I've seen people come and go. I'm watching the site grow. I'm also seeing blogging becoming more popular. Or so I thought. I found this article on the linked website. Despite the potential of turning e...
Since joining JU, one thing that has frustrated me no end, is thinking of titles for my articles. When it comes to the title I just go completely blank and have no clue what to write. However, I have been amazed at how I can glance over at the latest article section, and just by the title have a good idea which of our great bloggers wrote it. Everyone seems to have their own style, and the more you read their stuff, the more evident it becomes. So we are going to play a little game. I h...
Question : What are the most annoying kind of blogs? Answer: The ones about blogging! Hehe! Sorry folks, this is one of them annoying blogs. I have been thinking about JU, and what kind of place it is, and well, just how much I like it. You see I have alot to thank JU for. Not only has it opened my eyes to so many subjects, that I would never have given the time of day to, and not only has it allowed me to meet a great bunch of mixed people, but it's allowed me to do what I love...
I have noticed that my blogging follows a certain pattern. That week by week, the days I feel like blogging tend to be the same, The days I feel like blogging about certain things tend to be the same. I blame school. That they had a fixed timetable for a year. It's ruined my life. I will never forget I had double French first thing on a Monday morning. That will torture me forever. Anyway here is a week in my blogging life; Monday I'm a big grump bag (blame double French, inci...
Blacklisting I think is a great concept. It allows people to choose who has a say on their blog. It allows them to write things that are close to their heart, yet they don't have to put up with people who are rude, or argue for the sake of it, or say things that aren't relevant to the thread at all. Their blog, is exactly that. Theirs. Because it is their for people to read, people think that gives them some kind of right over it. It really doesn't. That is what your blog is for. Ther...
Ok, well it's reached the point where I've had enough of this whole situation, I have bit my tongue for long enough. Now is the time to be open and honest. I shall do the usual disclaimers that these articles appear to have, if you don't like this kind of thing, blah, blah, then leave now and whatever else. As people have pointed out before, your blog is your home, where you are free to write whatever you please. At other peoples houses you remain respectful, and polite, which I do, so I ...
Blogging isn't a huge thing here in England, it's a pretty new concept that is slowly but surely catching on. Before joeuser, I'd not really came across the whole blogging experience. I'd seen these online diary things, and If I'm honest I didn't see the point in them. Ok it was somewhere to write down your thoughts, private thoughts, but why on the internet where billions of people have the ability to read them? Well really it is embracing the greatness of the internet, that you still re...
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Well JU it's finally happened, I've ran out of things to say. Yep. I sat for ages trying to think of something to write an article on, and though I over recent times I have managed a few articles. I am dry, and I always told myself when I was dry, I wouldn't write. There is nothing worse than killing something completely. Bowing out gracefully is the way to go. So this is what I'm doing. Which is perfect timing as I'm going on my holidays in a few hours. Two weeks of sun, sea and sand....
Well I've thought about this, and for once I think I should use as little words as possible. So thanks JU. Here's some funny pics, to make up for lack of words
I read articles about how to promote your blog all time, and in fear of looking stupid I refrain from posting comments on these blogs. I think they do provide valuable advice for those who take this blogging seriously. For me I don't think seriously is the right word. It's fun. I get to meet people (in the virtual sense, hehe) I get to share opinions. You know the drill. I'm guessing the majority of people here do this for the same reasons as me. Of course the points motivate some pe...
Oh, JU what have you done to me! I am starting to annoy myself, seriously, so god help those that have to put up with me on a daily basis. You see this whole blogging thing started off innocently, as a way of me writing my thoughts and feelings about things. You know a chick like me needs a place to waffle. I entered this innocently, knowing very little about blogging, and even less about this particular site. This was meant to be a diary. A diary of my very mundane life, but a place th...
If I come across rude in this blog I don't mean to, and I apologise, but this subject is really starting to wind me up, so here goes. As I've said on many occasions I value honesty a great deal. I do. People win my trust, and their honesty will keep our friendship strong. I'm honest on my blog. I tell people things that go on in my life. I voice real thoughts and opinions on things, I am the real me. I'm not though. I don't tell you everything about me, there are parts of me that I ...
They should really have a section in the blogging category for random waffle, because I would probably be the Queen of it, hehe. I don't really have anything to blog about today, not one particular subject, so I guess in theory I shouldn't be blogging. I do have things to say, sort of. They just aren't on any particular important subjects they are just random thoughts on blogging I guess. You see a few things amaze me about blogging, ok amaze might be a little strong, but you'll see what ...