does it really matter if I am?
If I come across rude in this blog I don't mean to, and I apologise, but this subject is really starting to wind me up, so here goes.
As I've said on many occasions I value honesty a great deal. I do. People win my trust, and their honesty will keep our friendship strong. I'm honest on my blog. I tell people things that go on in my life. I voice real thoughts and opinions on things, I am the real me. I'm not though. I don't tell you everything about me, there are parts of me that I won't be sharing, because it wouldn't give me the capability to write what I do, for me to be me. I have to not say things about me. Does that make me a liar? No. In my opinion it doesn't. Because I don't want to be judged on certain things, does it mean I'm fooling the people of JU by not sharing them? I don't owe the people of JU an explanation about anything, just like the people of JU do not owe me anything. They give me parts of themselves, and I'm very grateful for the parts I see. That doesn't mean that they should tell me everything about themselves. I've built up friendships with people, and I'm honest with everyone I come across. I don't play on peoples emotions to get attention. I am me.
Part of the attraction of JU is we all have that air of mystery, we can be technically who we want to be, we maybe shy, not very confident, we may have things going on we feel we don't want other people to know. I feel that privacy should be respected. Not everyone wants to give away all of themselves so easily. Not everyone is liars, and just because we have been burnt, everyone else should not be judged by the same standard. For people to think they have the right to expose people, infuriates me. It really does. The one situation that was dealt with, was correct because peoples emotions were involved, I fully support that, but give people the privacy they wish. This is our blog to write what we like. It should be respected. I don't think I'm voicing ths opinion very well.
I don't use my real name on my blog. Does that make me a fake? I don't discuss my full home situation? Does that make me a fake? I hope people don't see it as I am. If you do, so be it. I have a great deal of respect for alot of people here, and if I found out there was things they weren't telling me to save their privacy, I'd still respect them. Because I have respect for the way people write, their views on things, the way they think about things. That can't be faked.
For that reason I trust you JU.