Or you could just call it waffle :)
They should really have a section in the blogging category for random waffle, because I would probably be the Queen of it, hehe. I don't really have anything to blog about today, not one particular subject, so I guess in theory I shouldn't be blogging. I do have things to say, sort of. They just aren't on any particular important subjects they are just random thoughts on blogging I guess. You see a few things amaze me about blogging, ok amaze might be a little strong, but you'll see what I mean. Before I go on, I have seen most of these things said before, but they seem to be bothering me a little at the moment. I have days where I have lots to say, I have opinions and thoughts on loads of subjects and feel the need to share, then I have other days where I have nothing to say, and you know what? It really frustrates me. It makes me think am I that boring that I can't think of nothing valid to say? I can't just force it either, or it just sucks big time. That is one of the things that I love about writing though, that you need to be in a certain mood, that you need to be in a frame of mind for it, that you can't just do it. Well i can't anyway, some people must be able to, but that's just not me.
The other thing I have noticed is attention certain articles get. I put loads of thought and effort into some, and nothing. Then others that I don't feel are that great get loads of attention. Now obviously I'm the one thats wrong on this, just because I like something doesn't mean other people will and I think this is where my blogging experience has become confused. you see when I started this blog, I didn't really know about the sense of community about the place, I tended to stay on my own blog, read others but rarely comment. As I did start to get comments and feedback, i really appreciated the thoughts of other people. I like the idea of people reading things I've wrote, someone I've never met, who has no idea who I am, spends the time to sit and read the waffle that comes from my keyboard. The thing is, have I stopped writing for myself, I'm not sure about this. i am of course writing for myself, i don't blog about something that I don't have an interest in, or I don't want to say. I just wonder if 'audience' is to much of an issue. Or is it actually a good thing? Or am I compromising myself? I don't think I'm explaining myself very well. I don't want to become one of these people, who writes a blog for the sake of it, that doesn't have anything to say, am I doing that now? I think I have a few valid points with this one, though the whole blogging about blogging thing I'm not to sure about.
Also I have found JU to be a bit slow at the moment. It is starting to pick up, but it seems to have been a pretty calm time. Calm before the storm maybe. Apart from the mini lying drama, things have just been ticking over, and nothing too amazing have been going on. Which I think is a good thing. Everything can't always be fast paced, we need times like this to be more reflective I guess. Which is what I'm poorly attempting right now. I don't really want to talk about the mini drama here. I think some people have been given more attention then they deserve, when it was so obviously what they were after in the first place. I will say this though. Maybe at times I take this to seriously, but you build up friendships with people, a level of trust. Reading peoples blogs you get such a great insight into their lives you can't help but feel you know them. The truth is we don't really know them. I don't easily trust people at the best of times. We could all be raving liars here, I don't know. I know there are people I believe, that I consider to be friends, and I've built up a trust with them, if I found out they were lying I would be hurt. I think this is why I've remained pretty untouched by this whole saga, because I didn't really get involved, I didn't mix with these people in the first place. Mainly because I'm far to cynical. I hope it doesn't change the kindness of some people though. The one thing we know is the truth about peple, is their opinions and points of views on things. I've learnt so much from people in the short time I have been here. These things can't be faked.
I'm waffling I know, I don't really know what the point of this blog was, I just wanted to do some random waffling, I could go on for a lot longer, but i don't want to put everyone to sleep just yet. I hope you all have a wicked weekend. Bye bye all xxxx