My parents have taken to being grandparents like ducks to water. They love it with a passion, they can have the joys of having a baby around the place, without having sole responsibility for the child, they are more able to enjoy the fun times. Times are changing for grandparents. When my Mum was a child, your grandparents house was somewhere you went of a Sunday. Just a traditional thing to do. Now Grandparents are getting younger and younger. Mostly dues to parents getting younger and...
I had sex education at school ,and it was generally a class I didn't take much notice of. It wasn't like I would have an exam in it, or be tested. So away from the daily grind of Maths and English, it was somewhat of a lighthearted lesson, and that's how it should be dealt with. We also treated it in a juvenile way. Because sex is seen as such a taboo subject, and one that shouldn't be discussed, we generally don't. Especially at that awkward school age. Even the teachers were uncomfort...
Well I want to go back to school. Not just because it was great fun, and I loved it, but now because they have introduced my dream subject to the curriculum. Children now have what is known as a critical thinking class. They tested it here at one school and now it's going across England. It teaches children how to debate, how to argue. How to spot manipulation of the media, how to spot flaws in arguments. How politicians use arguments to their advantage. It is all very clever, and some...
It was my nieces Christening this weekend. It was a tiring few days, preparation, the actual day, and the recovery. As many of you know my niece wasn't planned. My sister isn't with Maddy Mae's Daddy. She is a single Mum, of a child that is mixed race. Something that my parents had a tough time coming to terms with. They are of a completely different generation, a generation where people of different ethnic origins didn't mix. They are not racist, they are just set in their ways, and h...
I wrote an article recently about the problem with girl gangs, and I'm generally always going on about the youth of today. Because I'm a whinging old hag maybe, but one bright spark on the thread said we were always quick to point out these problems, but not so quick to find a solution. This is true for so many things. That we all have opinions but not many solutions. A television experiment came to my rescue though. "That'll teach 'em" Now here in England we have GCSE's all students do...
I've been in thoughtful mode alot recently. Thinking about now, and the future, and where I'm going, what I'm doing. All these things should be considered, but not worried about. I wonder about the person I've become. I see my Mum look at me sometimes, and I know she doesn't get me. She doesn't understand my behaviour. I can dig that, because some of the things she does are alien to me. We are just different people, and I know she tries to understand me, and she does that because she l...
I'm feeling old before my time folks, it's official. Now and again, when the mood takes me, I help out at the local school, and work with the kids there. I love it, kids are wicked, and now it's the holidays, they have activity weeks, that people are welcome to go in and offer adult supervision (ha!). Anyway I am one of these adult supervisors, but I feel I probably have more fun that the little kids. I get soooo excited about the slightest things. I like it that the kids are getting o...
I've had a good weekend. It's being pretty quiet, and I've enjoyed it. The heat is still really bad though. Making it awful to sleep. I'm waking up really early, but it's nice. To be awake when everyone else is sleeping. It's raining here at the moment, but still really warm. It's kind of nice to just walk in the rain, let it hit against your skin and for that second you're just a little bit cooler. It's nice walking in the rain. I don't know what it is, but I can just sit and watch ...
I remember growing up there was a childrens show on TV called Byker Grove. It was set in Newcastle and about a group of kids who attended a youth club. I must have been about eight at the time this show was on. It was on in the evenings at 5pm. So kids were generally just settling down from a hard day at school. I really liked this show, because it was a little naughty. It was maybe a bit more adult than I was ready for but I liked it. My Mum saw a few episodes of it, and the outcome I ...
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My parents were blessed with three very different daughters. Three daughters that were similar in some ways, but VERY different in others. They loved us all equally that much I can say. How much they liked us is a different story though. Its funny how we get labelled, we all had a label early on, My eldest sister Anne-Louise was named the 'pretty' one. Which to me suggest me and my other sister were seen as the two ugly sisters, but anyway! My next sister was called the 'home-maker', I ...
I haven't wrote an article for ages where I just tell you what's going on with me, probably because them article are rather boring, but we shall call it a catch up. Things aren't to good at the moment, I think that's why I've probably stopped doing these personal blogs, but maybe if I get these rants out of the way, then somehow I will feel soothed. I'm sat here, finally recovered (almost, It's not catching anymore at least!) from the awful chicken pox. I haven't seen my niece in like a w...
I'm still not in the best of moods, but that should all be sorted tomorrow . If you can't beat them join them. I guess someone will be getting what they want very soon. Anywho, todays blog. I sorted my pc problems, yay! how frustrating I could get on the site but every page took about 20mins to load, it was connection problems due to bad weather, all is good now! It gave me time to do some television bonding, I swear they just feed us crap to watch and fools like me sit there, take it ...
*sigh* I'm in a miserable mood, I'm in one of them moods where curling up and throwing myself a pity party sounds like a pretty good idea, and I was going to dedicate this blog to my misery, but I decided against it, as I find my blogs just get more whigey by the day, so no personal stuff today, though part of my misery is because I'm poorly sick, and as we know I'm even more of a horror when I'm sick, hehe! Anywho, I asked my very wise Mum what I should write a blog about, and at first she...
I just had to share this with you, my sister invested in a nursery rhyme tape for my niece, oh the torture of it all. Isn't it time these babies were updated! The worst thing is I've found myself singing them! I find myself singing such treasures as....(Imagine sickly sweet far to happy cheery cheesy voice as you read these) 1 little, 2 little, 3 little Indians. 4 little, 5 little, 6 little Indians. 7 little, 8 little 9 little Indians. 10 little Indian boys!!!! ( My personal favourite...