I had sex education at school ,and it was generally a class I didn't take much notice of. It wasn't like I would have an exam in it, or be tested. So away from the daily grind of Maths and English, it was somewhat of a lighthearted lesson, and that's how it should be dealt with. We also treated it in a juvenile way. Because sex is seen as such a taboo subject, and one that shouldn't be discussed, we generally don't. Especially at that awkward school age. Even the teachers were uncomfortable. You could tell. So how did they get passed this? With facts and figures, and lots of information, and films, that made no sense to us, that we could not relate to our normal lives. What good is that for anyone?
The government has done a good job, in realising that kids do need to be taught about sex education, and how important it is, but could they really ignore stats like this;
Teenage pregnancy facts
90,000 teenage pregnancies in England each year
Of these 7,700 are under 16
2,200 of these are aged 14 or under
Half of under-16s do not use contraception the first time they have sex
People should be aware of teenage pregnancy, and how to prevent it. They should also put more emphasis on the diseases they can get, and how to be safe. They should also make it more personal too. Kids can't relate to all these stats, and put them in the context of their real life, it isn't like that. When they are caught up in the moment, where emotion is high, do you think they are going to run all them stats through their head, and say, oh you know what this is actually a bad idea. NO. Sex educations needs to be taught so kids can relate it to the situation, so they can be comfortable with it. Most teenagers have sex, because they think they shouldn't. It's what kids do. They also think it's to be expected. The media talks like all kids are having sex, like it is to be expected. They look at them being safe while doing it. Which is a good way to be, but shouldn't we also be discouraging them from doing it at all, at such a young age. That it isn't cool to have a reputation as a slag. That sleeping with people won't get you very far, and can be in some cases a life altering thing.
Also I feel the boys get little attention. Where is the information and support for teenage fathers? When does help for them come into play. Is it because they are not expected to be Fathers, because they are just boys. That they can get off scot free, and carry on living their lives. Boys need just as much support and information. They need to learn the consequences too. I think sex education is failing our children, and some drastic changes need to be made.