It's friday, yay, yay and one big YAY for good luck, . Boy do I have that Friday feeling, don't ask me why, because I'll be damned If I know, but all is looking fabulous, and I'm happy! I'm not happy about kermit, things are funny, I think he's preparing me for bad news , but I can't think about that because I'll lose the whole feel good factor of this article, though no doubt it is going to go downhill when I start on my chosen subject, but anywho, lets get down to it. ! I'm sat here w...
Wow. here I am again, it would appear my word of the week is wow, don't ask me why, I have no idea, bet every situation I'm in, my response to it is, wow, it's started to get slightly irritating. Even more irritating than my hmm's, which it would seem I do every other sentence. I also answer questions with both, yes and no, used at the same time, so if someone is brave enough to ask me if I've had a good day for example, a typical sally response goes along the lines of, Yes, no, yeh it was ...
Ahh, where to start todays blog, today is one of them days where I've got loads of cauliflowers (lots of things on my mind!), and If I was too talk about them, I'd be just waffling on about things that don't make much sense, nothing new there huh! Though no doubt I shall touch on them subjects as I go on! However, I've decided to dedicate the majority of this blog to something less significant and that would be Michael Jackson. Not that I'm saying he's insignificant, I'm sure to alot of pe...
Well it's smack bang in the middle of Easter weekend, I can happily say I'll be glad when it's all over, it didn't get off to the best start, which I won't bore you with and my Mum has decided she needs to try twice as hard to make it a spectacular event . I'm trying my best to keep quiet and let them all get on with it but they all so insane it's difficult, Maddy Mae is the most sane and she's only four months old, so that says it all really. Tomorrow will be the biggie, whole family for a...
Ooooh what a fun and odd day I've had today, well hmm, maybe I shouldn't start like that, I get the feeling I'm going to waffle and not make much sense, which I guess is the usual for me, but I'll try to be at least slightly understandable! My day started odd, me and a 'friend', a very good 'friend', weren't getting on really, and I can't really explain why, which is even more frustrating. It was all through a lack of communication which is odd because this 'friend' is just about the only p...
Ahh where to start, hmmm....I don't really know, which should lead to a very exciting read for you folks, or maybe not, hehe! I think I'll just start off by telling you a bit about me and keep it short but sweet! I'm 20 years old, 21 soon, yay, and I live with my folks. Which is good really, they tend to leave me alone, but I still get my washing and food cooked, so all is good. I'm going to train to be a teacher, which wasn't really the big plan at first, but still a worthwhile career, i...