The title of this just amused me. I've written a few articles about how womens roles are different, and their views to sex are different, so I won't get to far into it. Comments like "Women have less sex than their Grans did" really does bring home just how times of changed. My Mum thinks at twenty one, I should be in a long term relationship, considering settling down, doing all the things she did. She was pregnant with my sister at eighteen, had her second baby at twenty one, and then me when she was twenty nine. She dedicated her life to bringing us up, and making home for my Dad. That's what the majority of her life has been about. There's nothing wrong with that. At all. She has had a lot of joy and good times out of bringing us up. I want more though, I want the career, and the family, eventually. I'm in no rush. I think she thinks I'm wasting time. I just think like alot of women of my generation.
Prima magazine have done a study on this, and there results showed that with the changing roles of ladies. Women are single for longer, and concentrate more on their careers now. In the 1950's women were getting married at 24 and having babies at 25. Now it's married at 28, babies at 29. Also in the 1950's women were more likely to be stay-at-home wives. They concentrated on keeping their husbands happy. They had more regular sex, and concentrated alot harder on making the relationship work. Now we have our own lives and careers to juggle, without worrying about our partners. Women are much more independent.
I don't really know what to make of all this. I much prefer the times we live in now. To think that my role in life would be to keep a man happy, just doesn't do it for me. there is alot more to life. Having said that, maybe there are certain things we can learn from times gone by. Maybe we are truely missing out on more than we realised. Relationships seem to be put on th back burner, until we sort other things out. Maybe they should be more important. A career is good. A social life is good. Independence is good. Love is great.