"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
How do you carry yourself?
Published on August 5, 2004 By Sally jacobs In Misc
I know your secrets. I know things you don't tell your best friend. I know your fears. I know how you write. I can see your style. I know alot about you. I don't know, alot more though. I don't know how you laugh. Whether it's loud, and embrassing. Or more of a giggle. I don't know your handwriting. I don't know how you hold you head. I don't know if you look people in the eyes. Or look down slightly. I can't imagine you in movement. I may have seen pictures. How do you speak though? How do you walk? How do you move? The internet offers us alot. It offers us ways of reaching so many folks. It doesn't offer alot of things, things that we just take for granted. Sometimes I just want to reach out and hug you. I want to stop the pain you are feeling inside. I want to offer you a reassuring pat on the head. To squeeze your hand and let you know things will be ok. I've been thinking just how do we hold ourselves. Is this an odd question?

I feel so close to some of you, but yet the most simple things, I don't know about you. I think I'll share a few of these things about me, and I hope at least one of you takes pity on my strange ways, and follows suit!

I am right handed.
I have blue eyes, that go green when I am angry (no comments about me being a witch plz Mugz!)
I try and smile at every person I walk past in the street.
When I'm nervous or tired I play with my hair.
I chew my bottom lip
I talk to myself while walking down the street
My handwriting looks more like a pattern
My Dad says I walk like I'm in a funeral procession
I sound like I'm twelve
I giggle loads
I wiggle my ass when I walk
I usually write an article sat cross legged on my bed
I can be quite shy at times
If I'm uncomfortable I make a joke
The person I like to joke about most....is me
I put myself down, before anyone else can do it
I have mastered the art of appearing confident
I'm obsessed with mirrors (hiding from them mostly)
I'm only small, which makes people feel the need to look out for me
My mouth more than makes up for my size

I could go on....but let me see what you have to say first!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 05, 2004
I'm right handed, but I like to try to do things with my left for a chance of pace.
My eyes are hazel, but I'm told they turn storm-cloud grey when I'm angry (which is a very rare occurance).
I get tired of exchanging social pleasantries with people I pass.
I like to fiddle with things in my hands. Pens are my usual victim. This is pronounced when I am anxious.
I run my tongue over my teeth, just to make sure they are still there.
My handwriting is...well, I'm not sure since I can't remember the last time I used proper handwriting (meaning cursive), but my hand printing is pretty good.
My voice and demeanor seem to intimidate people (or so I've been told).
I smirk a lot, and smile less so.
When I am inspired by a situation or person I am told I tend to speak in verse.
I have been told many times that I have a "knowing gaze." Those words have not always been used (one girl told me to "stop looking at me like you know something"), but "knowing gaze" is the most common form.
I do not wiggle my ass when I walk. But some friends have said that I tend to strut, with my arms waving.
I also have mastered the art of appearing confident, but that's mostly because I am confident.
While I have an entire 18ft tall wall in my living room that is a mirror, I never really think about mirrors, other than that it is nice not having to decorate that wall.
I'm big, which makes me feel like I need to look out for people.
My size more than makes up for my mouth.
The first thing I usually do when I get home from work is change into some really comfortable clothes (sweat shorts and a T).
I like to look people in the eye (I think that's part of the "knowing gaze" deal)...you can tell a lot about a person from their eyes.
I tend to speak slowly and deliberately, unless I'm excited. The down-side to this is that my brain has often moved on far past where my mouth is, so I sometimes speak nonsense (mispronounced words, combined words, or just senseless words).
I hate speaking during movies...I like movies a lot and speaking during a movie just breaks the whole "other-world" experience for me.
I tend to remain quiet and let other's lead, until it is obvious that leadership is lacking.
I have little patience for inefficiency.
For some reason I have always found myself in groups of friends that consider insults and sarcasm to be the greatest forms of affection.
on Aug 05, 2004
Well you just put my list to shame CS, hehe!

I get tired of exchanging social pleasantries with people I pass.

I'm the same! I hate it when people ask how you are, and then carry on walking before you can answer! I just think it's a positive thing to do, smiling at people. A smile costs nothing!

When I am inspired by a situation or person I am told I tend to speak in verse.

That is impressive! i wish I could do that....

tend to speak slowly and deliberately, unless I'm excited. The down-side to this is that my brain has often moved on far past where my mouth is, so I sometimes speak nonsense (mispronounced words, combined words, or just senseless words).

I start to shout when I get over excited, and I'm always getting told I speak to fast! I am kind of excitable though!

I hate speaking during movies...I like movies a lot and speaking during a movie just breaks the whole "other-world" experience for me.

I'm always getting in trouble for talking through films. I find it difficult to hold my attention for long periods of time, and I need to talk! My friends hate it!

I tend to remain quiet and let other's lead, until it is obvious that leadership is lacking

Me too! I'm happy for someone else to take that responsibility, until I reach the point where I think they are incapable!

For some reason I have always found myself in groups of friends that consider insults and sarcasm to be the greatest forms of affection

Same again! Everyone I am close to, our relationship is like that. We find it alot easier to make smart remarks to each other than say how we really feel. Though we know we care for each other loads. When you can get away with saying that stuff to someone, and they don't take it the wrong way, you have found a true friend!

Thanks for the comments

on Aug 05, 2004
I start to shout when I get over excited, and I'm always getting told I speak to fast! I am kind of excitable though!

It takes a lot of energy for someone my size to get active, so I really have to want to do it.

I used to have a roommate in college who was a tiny little fellow. He looked like Matt Damon, only a bit smaller. This guy was a buzz of activity and was always full of energy. I was more methodical about my energy expendatures. One thing we really enjoyed was playing racquetball together. There were several courts on campus, so we would go play at least every other day. This was a lot of fun, and also a good way to meet girls (I lost count of the number of "lessons" I gave out).

Our style of play was so different as to become a source of amusement for our friends. I would generally stand in the middle of the court and use precise shots to control the game. He would run around like a chihuahua on crack wildly swinging at the ball.
on Aug 05, 2004
I too am right handed, my left hand is significantly weaker in most areas
I have a self-confidence problem, I don't take some comments at face value and expend too much energy into deciphering.
I'm trying to be more pleasurable, I want to be everyone's friend. (Even if it means the occasional pleasantries to strangers)
I don't think my best is good enough, and it makes me anxious all the time. I don't want to let other people down.
I often rest my head on my hand in a variety of different ways.
When someone doesn't respond to a "Fine, how are you", I turn to someone nearby and say "I feel like an idiot now".
I'm very blunt, I don't like to "beat around the bush" with people I know can handle the straight scoop.
I'm terrible at taking hints and clues, usually from my girlfriend.
I hate when people say "nevermind". Maybe I'm too nosey, but does it take that long to repeat what was just said?
I think I'm too nosey
I'm very organized, everything needs to be where it is supposed to be.
I have cankles. My ankles are kind of big and my calf muscles aren't very defined.
I wear pants and jeans a lot, even when it's hot, to avoid ridicule.
If someone says they are going to do something, I usually count on it not happening.
Most people are best keeping their mouths shut. They are just ignorant.
I mumble a lot, I'm not a very loud talker around people.

I don't think I'm getting the point of this, or giving the right information, but I'm stalling.
on Aug 05, 2004
I'm Ambidextrous in all things except for writing, which I use my right hand for.
I'm very soft spoken and quite.
I don't wiggle my ass when I walk, though I've been asked too.
I have a booming laugh when I find something humorous enough.
I make fun of myself more than anyone else.
I sing in the shower and in a car.
I have light brown eyes in the summer, and light green eyes in the winter, and a kinda inbetween smattering of both in fall and spring.
When I'm nervous I shuffle my feet.
I can belch loud enough to topple a brick house.
Some of my farts could peel varnish.
I'm short, therefore making it harder to be kicked in the jimmy.
I look a person in the eye when talking to them.
I once ate paint chips as a kid.
I used to be buff but now I'm out of shape.
I strut around in my boxers a lot.
Yes, strut.
All my fingers are double jointed.
I can also chain pop my knuckles because of my arthritus.
Almost everytime I stand up from a seated or laying position some joint in my body emits a loud crack.
I do all my own nude scenes.
on Aug 05, 2004
I am completely left-bodied. Handed, eyed, footed, legged, etc. Probably left-kidneyed and left-lunged, too.
My voice, when I hear it played back, sounds deeper, hollower, and much more monotonic than it does when I am speaking it.
I will occasionally (but more frequently than most people) commingle words when I speak, things like "That's gine", because I got caught between "that's good" and "that's fine".
I believe in putting punctuation outside quote marks, even though it's not standard English usage, because it is more precise.
I am told that I sneeze very loudly.
I have purposely developed a visible body jerk when startled.
I don't get significantly angry.
I project an air of knowledgeable authority that apparently causes many people to uncritically accept my answers to their questions.
Of course, it helps that I know an awful lot and am, in fact, almost always right.
I do not suffer from low self-esteem or a lack of confidence in myself. (As you may have guessed from the previous point.)
I like to walk fast and take stairs 2 at a time, both up and down.
I eschew sidewalks in favor of grass whenever grass is the more direct route.
I enjoy making up little songs and verses to sing to my daughter (currently 7.5 months old) at bedtime or naptime.
on Aug 05, 2004
When I am inspired by a situation or person I am told I tend to speak in verse.

That is impressive! i wish I could do that....

It's not a conscious thing. And when I try to do it I never seem to manage.
on Aug 05, 2004
Our style of play was so different as to become a source of amusement for our friends

Different can compliment each other though.

I don't take some comments at face value and expend too much energy into deciphering

Ditto, I'm forever looking for the hidden meaning in things!

When someone doesn't respond to a "Fine, how are you", I turn to someone nearby and say "I feel like an idiot now".

I'm going to try that next time, since it is forever happening to me!

I don't think I'm getting the point of this, or giving the right information, but I'm stalling.

That was fab, thanks, and it was exactly what I was looking for!

I make fun of myself more than anyone else.

I know you always beat me to the insults hehe!

I can belch loud enough to topple a brick house.Some of my farts could peel varnish.

Gross...and gross!

I strut around in my boxers a lot.Yes, strut.

Saying nothing.....you don''t need me too, hehe!

I will occasionally (but more frequently than most people) commingle words when I speak, things like "That's gine", because I got caught between "that's good" and "that's fine".

I do that, my brain works faster than my mouth, and I'm always ten steps ahead, in my head. Oh it gets confusing!

I have purposely developed a visible body jerk when startled.

I wanna see! BOO! Did I startle you? Hehe...

Of course, it helps that I know an awful lot and am, in fact, almost always right.I do not suffer from low self-esteem or a lack of confidence in myself. (As you may have guessed from the previous point.)

You're confident? *looks shocked* I must have missed that....

I like to walk fast and take stairs 2 at a time, both up and down.

I'm so jealous of people who can do stairs two at a time. How I wish my legs were longer!

Thanks for the responses! It's nice to learn these things about you!

on Aug 05, 2004
*I'm right handed, except when it comes to balance. There's something about my left side that balances things better (for example, if I'm riding a bike w/one hand, driving a car w/one hand, etc, I use my left hand)
*I have deep blue eyes, like a pool, in summer
*I'm tall, and all legs
*My mouth makes up for anything that I'm lacking elsewhere
*I don't purposely wiggle my ass when I'm walking, although I'm sure it happens, at least slightly
*I am confident
*And when I'm not I try to fake it, which I do fairly well
*I can be a cocky bitch, when I think the times call for it
*I can be caring, though, as well
*I'm pretty outgoing and outspoken
*I like arguing and discussing
*I smile a lot. It confuses people
*I don't flirt well. And guys don't really see me as one to chase either, I guess
*I ride horses a lot.... and look damn good doing it, too. lol
*I get along with all sorts of different people
*It's usually the ladies aged 28-38 that I can't seem to get along with a lot of the time
*I zone out sometimes and just stare into space
*I play the piano and guitar
*I like an "adventure" or exploring. Especially places I shouldn't be... I am talking about buildings and such. Get your mind out of the gutter!
*I make hilarious comments at the most appropriate times
*Even if sometimes I'm the only one who thinks I'm funny
*I have a hard time trusting people and pouring my heart out to people
*I like my windows down when I'm driving
*I look people in the eye when I'm talking to them
*And even when I'm not, some of the time

Woah, I really got off kilter here and just went off about myself. Wow... maybe I'm conceited as well. lol...

on Aug 05, 2004
Ooooh this is fun! Learning all these things about people.....

*I'm tall, and all legs

Jealous! Grrr....

*I can be a cocky bitch, when I think the times call for it

Same here, my mouth starts before I get my mouth into gear, and I come across as a bitch!

*I like arguing and discussing

I view arguing as a sport

*I zone out sometimes and just stare into space

Me too! My own world is fab....

*Even if sometimes I'm the only one who thinks I'm funny

I'm forever making jokes, and am the only one laughing. I don't mind! At least I amuse myself!

Hehe thanks for the comments Sarah, really appreciated!
on Aug 05, 2004
- I like to act ghetto and say things like "Yo bizatch" and other stuff when really I'm an indian chick living in a southern surburban california town
-When I walk around the house I always pretend to be a ballerina and dance around
-I like to bite my nails, to point that i peel the clear skin off my nails
-I spend lots of time with my friend tyler and perfect the beyonce booty shake
-I say LIKE with every almost every single sentence
-I don't shave my legs in the winter cause I'm too lazy..but oh well NO SHAME IN MY GAME! that's what being a true female is about! And my friends make jokes like, "hey mandy I bet you can start a fire by rubbing your legs together."
-I'm thin and tall, have strong legs...actualyl I have pretty sexy legs!
-I have a pretty golden olive skin tone...pretty INDIAN like
- I have greenish-brown eyes, that take on deeper hues at certain times
-I am in love with OPRAH WINFREY!
-I like to dance and I don't care where or when, I'll dance no matter who is looking as long as there is some good music on
-I know this sounds gross! but---at times when I'm watching TV I bite my toe nails , you guys can make fun of me all you want for that one
-I like decorating my vw bug
-I like researchign serial killers, not casue I'm one myself...but because I'm interested in criminology
-I don't like intolerant narrow minded people, and if I don't like you, you'll know!
- I hate confrontation
-I once jumped off the monkey bars in grade school cause I believed that song "I BELIEVE I CAN FLY, I BELIEVE I CAN TOUCH THE SKY."
- when i was little, I lied to my best friend and told her I was a good witch...I carried on this lie for so long that I started to believe I was a witch with some powers no one else had

-and I still listen to "BYE BYE BYE" by NSYNC and dance to it!

great article! totally awesome
on Aug 05, 2004
I feel completely inspired to have a go at this!

I am right handed, and have most of the problems with my body on my left side (missing muscle on left side of my back, left foot flatter than right, left knee not great)
I love music, as long as it has a good tune.
I play piano, sing, and play cello (or at least I used to).
I have 2 cats, who I love (and I don't care!)
I can't keep eye contact with people once I start thinking about keeping eye contact with them!
I detest confrontation, and will avoid it at all costs.
I'm quite shy, in some situations.
Although I have been told I'm quite outspoken too!
I HATE having my picture taken as I don't know how to smile properly.
I want to get married and have a baby.
I used to dream that I was a princess and that I could fly.
I have pretty low self confidence, and still find it odd that my partner finds me sexy.
I can't dance.
I talk to myself if left to my own devices.
I get very emotional far too often.
I love my parents very much but can't tell them to their faces, and have no idea why.
I love to read.
I'm very lazy, and try to avoid most types of work if I can.
I hate being lazy!
I wish I had more money.
I want to please everyone, and get upset when I can't.
I need to lose weight and don't have the motivation to do it.
I love to sleep, and feel guilty when I stay in bed too long.
I HATE cleaning.
I don't have many friends, and I don't have anyone I could call my best friend, apart from my partner.
When I feel strongly about a subject, talking about it will make me gabble, and get butterflies in my stomach.
My eyes are blue, and I have been told they are big.
I also have a small nose.
I am aware that I slouch, but sometimes it is more comfortable that standing tall.
I am a very bad lier, and I get embarrassed extremely easily.

I think that will do! Do you think you could spot me walking down the street? I hope not!!

on Aug 06, 2004
-I spend lots of time with my friend tyler and perfect the beyonce booty shake

Every girl has to perfect that!

-I don't shave my legs in the winter cause I'm too lazy..but oh well NO SHAME IN MY GAME! that's what being a true female is about!

Mandy I'm with you on this one, and I appreciate your honesty chick! My legs rarely get shaved inthe winter either!

I have pretty sexy legs!


-I have a pretty golden olive skin tone

Jealous again!

-I like to dance and I don't care where or when, I'll dance no matter who is looking as long as there is some good music on

I also love to dance! It's just fab, I don't understand people that don't like it. It's just so free and easy, and it doesn't matter what you look like doing it. I just wish I could find a man that could keep up with me on the dance floor!

-I know this sounds gross! but---at times when I'm watching TV I bite my toe nails , you guys can make fun of me all you want for that one

VERY gross! I shall save my making fun of you though, for another time, hehe!

-I like researchign serial killers, not casue I'm one myself...but because I'm interested in criminology

OMG! I have a thing for books on serial killers, they fascinate me. Because of the way their mind works, and their motives and stuff. I find it all so interesting. Am I strange?

great article! totally awesome

Thanks for reading it Mandy! I didn't know you read my blog! You realise you should start a blog of your own don't you

I play piano, sing, and play cello (or at least I used to).

I love music, but I am not the slightest bit musical, it's such a beautiful talent to have.

HATE having my picture taken as I don't know how to smile properly.

I Hate cameras, and having my picture taking. i avoid them at all costs!

I talk to myself if left to my own devices.

Same here, terrible habit that has people staring at me. I find it strangely reassuring though!

I love my parents very much but can't tell them to their faces, and have no idea why.

It's sometimes difficult to share feelings like that, it kind of goes without sayibg with family and stuff, though it really shouldn't!

I love to sleep, and feel guilty when I stay in bed too long.

I love my sleep too, though I hate sleeping in. A few years ago, it was normal for me to get up in the afternoon. Now I just think I'm wasting my day, and get up usually before 9am (it's currenly 8am!)

I don't have many friends, and I don't have anyone I could call my best friend, apart from my partner.

I don't have loads of friends. Just a select few that I know will do absolutly anything for me, as I would for them. My best friend is a strange creature. I love her to pieces but we are so different! She e-mails me everyday at 2pm to tell me what she's had for her dinner. It's kind of sweet, hehe!

I think that will do! Do you think you could spot me walking down the street? I hope not!!

Hehe...nah, though you sound pretty original chick! Thanks for answering, it's nice to hear about the things I'll probably never see!

on Aug 06, 2004
I am right handed.

I am also right handed, but ambidexterous when it comes to my feet... I kick much more goals with my left foot, but thats probably because I play on the left side!!! I attribute it to having no friends when i was a little kid and kicking the ball against the wall to myself

I have blue eyes, that go green when I am angry (no comments about me being a witch plz Mugz!)

Ah, Sally, witches are cool though!!! hehe... I have dark hazel eyes... but they go grey from time to time... who knows why?

I try and smile at every person I walk past in the street.

I smile as well, and if they dont smile back, they have problems... heck, most people dont even walk around with their eyes looking up... always starting at the ground... not staring the world in the face... wierdos...

When I'm nervous or tired I play with my hair.

When i am around a girl i like, i play with my hair *flutters eyelashes* hehe.... When I am nervous, i stutter in my speach... luckily, i dont really get nervous to often

I chew my bottom lip

- all girls do this when in my company... what does that mean??? Mandy??

I talk to myself while walking down the street

hahaha... what do you talk about Sally? I usually huma tune or sing a song...

My handwriting looks more like a pattern

My hand writing gets worse and worse as I use computers more and more... but when I apply myself, it's ok...

My Dad says I walk like I'm in a funeral procession

I take great pride in how I 'STRUT'

I sound like I'm twelve

- I don't really know how old I sound... I dont really like the sound of my own voice though... unless I am singing... in which case, I should have had 12 platinum records by now!

I giggle loads

Thats because you were thinking of something funny i said

I wiggle my ass when I walk

So you should girlfriend!!!

I usually write an article sat cross legged on my bed

Beds are for two things Sally...

I can be quite shy at times

On the rare occasion where I am surrounded by people who command my respect, I can be intimidated and shy...

If I'm uncomfortable I make a joke

It's because I am the joke, that I am not really uncomfortable much!

The person I like to joke about most....is me

Thats a good philosophy! If you can't laugh at yourself, you have no right to laugh at anyone else!!! especially US presidents currently holding office!

I put myself down, before anyone else can do it

You shouldn't put yourself down babe! I understand what you are saying though!

I have mastered the art of appearing confident

Yes - hide those insecurities! we are all perfect...

I'm obsessed with mirrors (hiding from them mostly)

Yeah - I hide from them as well... I might get caught up in the moment

I'm only small, which makes people feel the need to look out for me

I am only small, so people under-estimate me

My mouth more than makes up for my size[/B

Ditto sister

Great Blog Sally!!!!

on Aug 06, 2004
I kick much more goals with my left foot, but thats probably because I play on the left side!!!

...you think? Hehe...

heck, most people dont even walk around with their eyes looking up... always starting at the ground... not staring the world in the face... wierdos...

I've noticed that about people. I don't get it, what's so interesting about the floor?

When I am nervous, i stutter in my speach...

The big bad Mugz can actually be cute? *shocked*

what do you talk about Sally?

I'm usually giving myself some kind of pep talk....lol...or telling myself off for doinf something stupid! Which happens all to often to me!

I take great pride in how I 'STRUT'

As you should, as much pride as I have in my ass wiggle, huh

Beds are for two things Sally...

....I'm going to declare innocence...

Yeah - I hide from them as well... I might get caught up in the moment

...not be able to drag yourself away huh?

Ditto sister

I can imagine you are quite mouthy, hehe....thanks for responding Mugz!
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