"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
Sally jacobs's Articles In Internet
August 31, 2006 by Sally jacobs
The internet is introducing us to new phenomenons everyday. We are a generation embracing the joys of music downloads, blogs and all kinds of other new technologies. We are enjoying what this technology has to offer us, and taking advantage of it as much as possible. YouTube was launched in Dec 2005, and is basically video filesharing software. Just as MySpace and podcasting were huge (and still are) in 2005, consumer video websites are set to be the hit for 2006. YouTube plans to bust the paid...
August 25, 2006 by Sally jacobs
Right clever folks of JU, I need a little help and advice.  I have written about this topic before, but I just never got that far with it.  I want to do a podcast.  My very own podcast, but that's about as far as I have got with it, and I really don't know what else to do about it.  I know I will need some kind of recording equipment?  I have heard audacity is good voice recording equpiment?  Though I would really like to find some software that records skype conver...
May 31, 2006 by Sally jacobs
I read an article in the News today that was quite interesting, I thought I would share it here, for those people like me, who aren't exactly completely computer literate. The News here is calling these people Internet Pirates, however I think that is slightly glorifying them, so I shall refer to them as what they are, and that's online criminals. Police here are investigating a hijacking of home computers. These people then request payment to return valuable files. A woman here logged ...
August 5, 2004 by Sally jacobs
I don't know alot about computers, I know how to switch one on, and I can blindly feel my way around until I find what i am looking for. I have a vague idea of what I am doing. I don't particularly want to know a great deal with them, the ins and outs of this great thing I'm using to type my message to you now (a keyboard?) would probably ruin the illusion for me. Make me look far to deeply into it, and take out the enjoyment of searching the net. Once you get serious about things, they t...