I would love a baby one day. To have children is one of my ambitions, and one I really hope I achieve. I am twenty one and at the moment I don't feel at all ready to take on the responsibility of another life. I want so many other things in my life sorted out first. I want to be settled with a partner I love. I want my career sorted out. I want to be settled in what ever it is I choose to do. There are so many things I want to do first. So many things that will make my childs life better when I do decide I want to have them. I have friends who have had children. Many of them not planned. The majority of them are very happy. They have found it tough but embraced Motherhood. It is hard. Whatever age you are. It just seems more and more young girls are having babies. Children having children. I watched a documentary about young parents. I have to say it left me disgusted. Disgusted at the world these babies are being born into.
It followed the story of two sisters. Aged fifteen and sixteen. Both pregnant. Their Mother herself was only sixteen when she gave birth to her first child. She didn't seem to bothered that both of her daughters were having babies at such young ages. The thing that struck me throughout this documentary was just how childlike these Mothers to be were. They were children, their boyfriends were children. They were teenagers. Giggling and laughing and not realising just what was happening. They were going to miss out on so much. They were in a circle that they didn't see anything wrong with. Their Mother didn't think it was wrong that they were having babies. If my child came to me and told me they were pregnant, I would be so disappointed. At myself mostly, for my incapability to teach my child that isn't the thing to do. I would support my child, no question, but I will be sure to teach my children that there is so much more to life and to be careful, and to have some respect for themselves.
There was another couple on it. They both just needed a clip round the ear, and sending to their bedrooms. When the girl got pregnant she was seventeen her partner was thirteen. They had twin girls. These babies weren't concieved in love. Oh no. Their friends dared them to sleep with each other, so they did. *sigh* What a way to be brought into the world. To be fair to them, it showed this couple five years down the line, still together and expecting their next child. They were happy, imagine what their lives would of been like that without that dare. Don't get me wrong, children are the most precious gift on earth, without a doubt, but there is a time and a place. There is plenty of time to have kids. Plenty.
Girls think sleeping around with boys is okay. I mean it's ok for boys to be studs isn't it. So why not girls? Women want to be equal to men, so they think they are exercising their womens rights, by sleeping with whoever they come across. Don't they realise they are giving men what they want? They aren't saying we are equals and we are proud to be women. They are saying, here, we'll open our legs and give you what you want, and don't feel bad because we are just like you. Women are better than that, at least I thought they were.