"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
Published on October 15, 2004 By Sally jacobs In Misc
I am a magnet for the strange folks of the world. I don't know what it is about me, but they are all just drawn to me. I think I must look friendly or something. I did a very brave thing today, and went on public transport. Silly, silly me. I had two encounters, and I just didn't know how to respond to either. The first one was erm...odd. I was drinking a bottle of water and this guy was sat in front of me. He glanced behind him a few times and I didn't think anything of it. He was very loud and kept talking to the bus driver. Now this may be just me being a bit of a prude, actually I am sure it is. I'd almost finished my water, and this guy turns round and says, can I have some of your drink? Hmmm.....how do you respond to that? I handed over the bottle and told him he could finish it. I would never dream of asking a complete stranger for a drink, but anywho.

The next encounter is one I should be used to by now, but it always amazes me people have the balls to say such things. I was happily walking along and this guy walking passed me just stopped, and said you've got a nice pair of tits. I mean, hello! I looked at him for a second, said, thanks, you too and carried on walking. How do you respond to that?

Come on JU help me, what should I have said?????

on Oct 15, 2004
Maybe for the first guy you should have said "Sure, after I'm done with it."

The "Thanks, you too" is perfect for the second guy, though.
on Oct 15, 2004
Having previously lived in a very large metropolitan city for a number of years, your response was perfect. You want to get the "odd" people out of your face very quickly.

You acknowledge their presence just enough for them not to continue whatever pursuit they had in mind and then ignore them. So, you giving the guy the bottle and telling him to have it was good. That means he left you alone and if he had continue talking, monosyllable responses would have been appropriate until you got to your stop.

As for the guy on the street, what you said was good enough. Guys like him who have such balls and gall to say that to a woman walking alone in public, you want to respond as you did and keep moving. So, you did fine. Sorry you experienced all that and glad you're ok.
on Oct 15, 2004
I would have given the guy the drink. Unless, of course, I want all of it for myself.

I think you responded to the second encounter well. If it happened to me, I probably would have pretended I didn't hear that.
on Oct 15, 2004
Creepy Encounter #1:

"Sure . . . all that's left is backwash, anyway, and I wasn't going to drink THAT."


"No way dude."

Creepy Encounter #2:

"Really? You like 'em? Only 3 more payments and they're mine!"


"You'd never guess I used to be a man, would you?"

*I'm a dork*

on Oct 15, 2004
on Oct 15, 2004
I agree you did just fine.

guy 1 givem the bottle and get off at the next stop, you wouldn't want him to try to start a conversation.

Guy2 hey, if ya got nice tits just say thanks, in fact even if you don't have nice tits just say thanks and keeep moving.

Basically don't give a strange and creepy guy a chance to do anything but, also even if they are rude it's not necessary for you to be rude back.
on Oct 18, 2004
"Sure, after I'm done with it."

...if only I was that quick witted!

Guys like him who have such balls and gall to say that to a woman walking alone in public, you want to respond as you did and keep moving. So, you did fine. Sorry you experienced all that and glad you're ok.

Thanks . You're right you need to get those folks out of your face as fast as possible. How that guy had the balls to do that is beyond me!

think you responded to the second encounter well. If it happened to me, I probably would have pretended I didn't hear that.

I was tempted to do that, but my smart mouth got the better of me. I was planning on being ruder than that, but I behaved!

Sure . . . all that's left is backwash, anyway, and I wasn't going to drink THAT

Oh I love it! Hehe...you rock!

You'd never guess I used to be a man, would you

also even if they are rude it's not necessary for you to be rude back.

Yeah I know this. I tried to be as polite as possible. Though I was tempted to kick the tits man!

Hehe...thanks for the comments guys!