"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
I need your help!
Published on October 7, 2004 By Sally jacobs In Misc
I adore sex and the city! I think it is fab, and was heartbroken when they finished the series. In my opinion it rocks. Sassy, sexy women, who know what they want and aren't afraid to go out and get it. They all wanted the same thing, in their own different ways, they just had different ways of going about it. The best thing about this programme was they were all so different, but yet remained really good friends ( don't worry I know it's not real).

Well here's my problem....I'm going to a sex and the city night. Now for those of you wondering, a sex and the city night is where you and your friends go to a club, dressed up as the girls, and do all girly stuff, manicures etc etc. No men allowed! It's strictly for the ladies, so no Mr Bigs, thankyou very much! Oh yeah...the problem.....which sex and the city lady should I be????

Carrie Bradshaw? The main character, who is the observant one. Who'd found her soulmate, it just took them a while to realise it.

Samantha Jones? The lady who is all about sex, and how many men she can bed?

Charlotte York? The hopelessly romantic, optomistic one. Who just wants to settle down and get married!

Miranda Hobbes? The career minded one, who thinks she can do anything, without a man.

So JU, which one of these fine ladies do you think I should go as???

on Oct 07, 2004
Which one is the relatively cute brunette? Go as her. Because the others should be auditioning for Alpo models.

(whistles innocently)
on Oct 07, 2004
Well, I guess that after the night is over at the club, ....men would want you to be Samantha Jones

But I'd like to think you're a Charlotte York... yeah! (I like romantic's.... what can I say??)
on Oct 07, 2004
Gene and Eric both think you're Charlotte -- I've got to say I think you're a mix of Charlotte and Miranda -- Go as Carrie my sweet. She's strong, independant, vulnerable and most of all creative (all the things you strike me to be)

Love you Sal (and I'm a HUGE sex & the city fan!!!!!!!!!!!)

Kath and Kim is starting now - gotta go
on Oct 07, 2004
I think you shuld go as carrie. She has the most fun with clothes...and the shoes?!?
I think also cus you write a blog, kind of how she wrote a column you know?
I think you should go with it.

P.S. I am totally a Charlotte.
on Oct 08, 2004
Which one is the relatively cute brunette? Go as her. Because the others should be auditioning for Alpo models.

Ha...That's Charlotte!

Well, I guess that after the night is over at the club, ....men would want you to be Samantha Jones

I'm sure they would, but unfortunately I'm not that kinda girl, hehe

I'd like to think you're a Charlotte York... yeah! (I like romantic's.... what can I say??)

Hehe...is it the angelic way I type! A secret romantic huh, who would have knew.....hehe

Go as Carrie my sweet. She's strong, independant, vulnerable and most of all creative (all the things you strike me to be)

Awww thankyou sweety! *blushes* love ya 2 xxx

I think you shuld go as carrie. She has the most fun with clothes...and the shoes?!?

*drools* Oh my how I LOVE shoes!

I think also cus you write a blog, kind of how she wrote a column you know?

I wish!

I am totally a Charlotte.

Yeah i can imagine you being a Charlotte. I think Trina's right, I'm a mix of Charlotte and Miranda!

So two for Charlotte and two for Carrie....Argh....we need the decider.......
on Oct 08, 2004
So two for Charlotte and two for Carrie....Argh....we need the decider.......

This Gene Nash seems like a smart enough fellow (not to mention incredibly charming and handsome). Charlotte it should be!

on Oct 08, 2004
This Gene Nash seems like a smart enough fellow (not to mention incredibly charming and handsome). Charlotte it should be!

.....you are right, he seems to be incredibley smart and charminfg and handsome. Alot like you in fact, hehe.

Charlotte it is
on Oct 08, 2004
A secret romantic huh, who would have knew


Don't let the cat outta the bag! ....oops, too late now.
on Oct 08, 2004
Don't let the cat outta the bag! ....oops, too late now.

Hehe...can I tell you a secret? I'm also a secret romantic....don't tell anyone though, ok?