"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
Published on September 29, 2004 By Sally jacobs In Misc
There are many things I can't do. I can't play a musical instrument. I can't speak another language. I can't drive. There is one thing I would love to be able to do, but it's not something you can really learn. I would love to be able to draw. I'd love to be able to think of an image in my head, and be able to just transport it to a piece of paper. How I would love that. Unfortunately that isn't going to happen, because I can't even draw stick people. I am totally in awe of people that have that gift. I can paint a picture with words, but it's not the same. I would also love to have a talent for writing, but I can work on that, and writing is something that comes pretty naturally to me. Where as drawing is just something I can't grasp at all. I love art as a whole. I love looking at pictures, and letting my imagination run free. It's not the same as reading a book, because you have no choices. WIth a picture, it can mean anything to you. I love to be surrounded by pictures. I got a brillaint picture for my birthday. It was by an artist my Auntie knows, and I saw this picture and fell in love with it, but he refused to sell it. My Auntie used her charm though. It's really simple, just the back of four cildren looking out to sea, I just love it though. How I wish I could do that.

Talking another language would be nice too. I hold no illusions there though. I think there is something really romantic about being able to just speak another language as well as you speak your own. I am far to lazy though, and I remember my hatred for it in school. So I know that there is no hope. Now a musical instrument, I could do maybe. I did try and learn the guitar once, and I wasn't bad, but as usual I lost interest. There are so many things I would love to be able to do, and I think it's about time I got round to doing them. So JU, what would you like to be able to do?

on Sep 29, 2004
I'd like to be able to dance and speak spanish.

Dyl xx
on Sep 29, 2004
I'd like to write a good story and publish it.
I'd like to master German and French languages.
I would like to be an expert strategist/ wargamer.

on Sep 29, 2004
I would like to know kung-gu.
on Sep 29, 2004

I would like to be able to play guitar (better than I do now)

I would like to be fluent in Mandarin Chinese.

I would like to be able to paint...watercolor, oils, it doesn't matter.  I can sketch, but I have no talent whatsoever for painting.

on Sep 30, 2004
I wish I had a talent for writing... I get all these great ideas, and full blown book ideas and such that I think are really awesome, yet whenever I try to sketch them out they go to hell.... Even outlines seem to trouble me... lol
on Sep 30, 2004
I would like to be fluent in italian. I know a little from going to school in italy but I have lost a lot of it.
I would like to be able to play the cello.
I would love to know how to swing dance.
on Sep 30, 2004
So JU, what would you like to be able to do?

Write a blog article that gets 100+ responses....
on Oct 01, 2004
I can draw... No shit. I'm more of a photographer through pencil though. I can look at real life stuff and draw it and it looks good. Not really tried it with images out my own head... Kinda not so good at that.
on Oct 02, 2004
I'd like to be able to dance and speak spanish.

Dancing is fab! I love to shake my ass!

I'd like to write a good story and publish it.

Me too!

I would like to know kung-gu

Ahh I understand why you'd like to do that, kick some ass huh

I would like to be able to paint...watercolor, oils, it doesn't matter. I can sketch, but I have no talent whatsoever for painting.

I can't even sketch

would like to be fluent in italian. I know a little from going to school in italy but I have lost a lot of it.

That is a beautiful language!

Write a blog article that gets 100+ responses....

Hehe, yeh I think I've had that once....

Matt . I'd like to see your drawing skills one day
on Oct 03, 2004
I'd love to be able to dance as well - 1940's style (maybe more so that I can wear the dresses!)

I'd love to be able to make good small talk in any situation

I'd love to be coordinated so I could effectively involve myself in sport!

Good question babe!