"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
Published on September 29, 2004 By Sally jacobs In Personal Relationships
I've hurt my back. I don't mean hurt my back, like ouch every time I bend over, I mean as in I can barely walk. It's annoying to say the least. I have felt it coming on for a while now, and today I woke up, and it wasn't to bad, but as they day has progressed it has slowly got worse and worse, until I've reached the point where i don't really want to move! I think a visit to the doctors is in order, but I'll put it off for as long as possible.

Anyway grumble over about my back, I have more pressing issue to discuss. Due to my amazing amounts of immaturity, that sometimes even surprise me, I am able to get on with a wide range of people. People, meaning children. I am happy to play football with my friends nine year old son. To climb trees, and have water fights. All lots of fun. Now I'm a very family orientated person. Family first. We have a friend of the family who is only fifteen. I know her auntie, who is a similar age to me. She is a nice girl, I think she is a bit lonely, but nice. She has become rather attached to me though, and I'm not to sure about how to handle this attention. She keeps phoning me and asking if she can do things with me. She is only a kid. Mentally I am only a kid too, but I am passed the stage where I really want teenage friends. No offence to any of the teenagers out there, but at twenty one I have very little in common with a fifteen year old. This doesn't mean I don't like her, and I won't listen to her problems, this just means I don't want to be the best of friends with her. I feel cruel. I have started avoiding her phonecalls and basically keeping a low profile when she is around. Something I have managed until yesterday. Yesterday She came to my sisters house. My sister is having the same problem with her. I am lucky, I live a safe distance away. My sister on the other hand is nice and close.

Now as I mentioned this girl is fifteen. She is a strange creature though. I'm guessing it is a teenage thing. First of all she has not one, but two mobile phones. What the heck is that about? They also never stop ringing, ever. Every two minutes she is on the phone to someone. My one phone irritates me enough, nevermind two. She also has this habit of writing things on her phone. This is going to sound strange, mostly because it is......you know how you write a text message and then send it to someone. Someone who is not in talking distance to you. Well she sends you text messages, and you can be sat next to her. This is the most irriatating thing. She does it all the time too. I ended up turning my phone off, I think she was slightly offended, but tough. Wow I sound like such a misery. Anyway I was listening to her many phonecalls and they were mostly young, puberty ridden teenage boys, which she was enjoying the attention greatly. She must have spoke to about five different boys, and at the end of the phonecall to each one she said, I love you.

Now I think I'm just a prude, but after questioning her about this, she told me that this is what you do, apparently. I am just not in touch with the times. You can say, I love you to the world and their Mother, and it doesn't actually mean anything. You don't mean it, you just say it. Ahhh...now I understand. So what do you say, when you do mean it? She looked puzzled by this question. You apparently never actually love boys for real, or not until your really old, like twenty five. At last speaking some sense....I think. So everyone else understands these rules then. They say I love you, but it's like an unsaid rule that you don't mean it? That then begs the question why say it in the first place? Apparently the boys believe you. Which can lead to problems when you say it to a few different boys. I felt myself becoming all Motherly at this point, and explain things to her about them three little words. What to say though? Only say it when you mean it? Never say it at all? Don't lie to people about your emotions? In fear of sounding like my Mother, at fiftenn she shouldn't be thinking about love, or manipulating peoples emotions.

I then got brave and asked the question I was dreading to ask, but already knew the answer to. Was she practicing the art of love making with any of these young chaps? She looked at me like I was from another planet, and said yes of course I am. Something her Mum isn't bothered about. Something I am in shock about. I know I'm a prude, but why oh why. I couldn't talk sense in to her either. I explained the dangers, i explained the reputation, I explained she was to young. I explained it all. She is fifteen, and generally they don't listen. She said she was safe, and that was about as far as we got. So I was useless. Maybe I should try to be more of a friend to this girl, give her a bit of advice. Why do teenagers automatically think if their friends are doing it, it must be ok. She just thought I was amusing. Damn, I thought I was amusing. I just wanted to show her five years in the future, when she's matured a little bit. Maybe then she will regret some of the decisions she has made now. I guess you have to make your own mistakes though. You can offer as much advice as you like, but you can't make them listen. Now I know how my sisters felt, annoying little sister!

on Sep 30, 2004
Where is this girls mom in all this... I think she needs some boundries! Good for you Sally for trying to set her staight, and keeping your patience!
on Sep 30, 2004
You put up with it a lot longer than I would have... I'm normally a very patient guy but some things I don't like to tolerate... after hearing the "Love is just something you say" part I'd have just told her she has a lot of painful lessons ahead of her and would have left it at that....