"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
Yes they are only human!
Published on September 7, 2004 By Sally jacobs In Misc
Politics a huge thing for the people of JU. Something that I generally avoid as I have said before, mostly due to a lack of interest and knowledge. Politics is a very important subject, because it effects all of us, whether we like to think it or not. Some of us are happy for decisions to be made for us. To live our lives by other peoples rules, whether we like it or not. To simply have an easy life, where we just nod and agree, and simply carry on with our lives. Then we have others of us that aren't so passive, who don't agree, who aren't willing to live their lives by such rules. They have a right to voice an opinion, and they will. They don't agree, they will tell you, they know the way they want things to change, and they will tell you. We need these people, to change the world. Sounds silly doesn't it. Changing the world is such a huge job, but it is us that does it. Us regular Joes. We make decisions everyday that change the world, in our own small way. By believing in ourselves we change the world, by knowing what we want and not being scared of telling people we change the world.

Politicians are generally a disliked bunch. They make promises they don't always keep. They lie to you. They fight for the wrong things. They don't fight enough. They have affairs with their assistants. They have rampant sex sessions. They swear. They have opinions on things that aren't politics. They aren't perfect. Though they should be. In fact...I know this is going to be hard to take.....brace yourselves.....they are human *gasp* I know! Hard to believe. These people we make beg us for our vote, these people we see doing ridiculous things to make us believe in them, these people who have lives beyond politics, these people who have longs days, and sleepless nights, with the weight of the world on their shoulders. They are just like you and me. Maybe slightly different. They beg us for our vote for a reason, because they want that responsibilty. Sure there are perks, there are alot of good points to having this so called power. There is also alot of work to it. I wouldn't like to have that kind of responsibility. Not just make life altering decisions, these are world altering decisions. Not everyone is going to agree with them, not everyone is going to be happy. To make everyone happy all of the time would be impossible. Not going to happen. They can only do their best. They can only follow their own hearts, and be true to themselves, they will get grief, and cheer for any decisions they make.

I think it's important to remember these people are just regular folks. They have personal lives, they do things they aren't to proud of, they make mistakes. These things are just magnified even more because they are in the public eye, and for some reason we think these people should be super human. Well they aren't. They have to build relationships with people, they have friends, family and children. They have lives beyond their jobs. That is the key word, job. It is a job, but it's a job that takes over their lives. They live and breathe it. They take the critism on the chin, and get back up and fight for us even more. They do it for us, because they are just like us. We are all living in this world, and we all want it to be a good place. They are the people who have held their hands up, and said they will speak up for us. For that they should get respect. They have a tough time, and we should remember that. We will never agree with everyone, we will always question peoples motives, and we will never be trusting of people with such power. We are the majority though, and that carries alot of weight. We just need to judge the political decisions, and forgive them for their human side, they can't help it.

on Sep 07, 2004
"They have affairs with their assistants. They have rampant sex sessions."

Why are these activities considered negative? All great and powerful men should all embark upon these tasks.
on Sep 08, 2004
Why are these activities considered negative? All great and powerful men should all embark upon these tasks.

They certainly shouldn't be judged on them. Just average men embark on such tasks