We are all fully aware of female prostitution. Some of us don't have a problem with it, and actually embrace the fact you can go out and pay for sex, other people have moral issues with it. That you don't know what diseases these girls have, that it just disrespects women in so many different ways. This is a predominately male thing to do. It is rare to hear of male prostitutes, though they do exist. There was a debate on tv about the females who were going to Bangkok to use male prostitutes. That's right, women playing for sex. Is it any different to men paying for sex? Or is it ok for women to go over there have some fun. These men are aids tested and so on, it is done in a clean establishment. As the article I have linked explains. So whats the problem? We live in a mans world, but as we know women are becoming more and more independant, and taking on more male roles, so is this just an inevitable step?
The debate on tv was very interesting, before I give you my personal view point, though I'm sure those of you who read my stuff regularly already know what that it is. Now on the tv there was only women debating this, and as I'm female, I'm lacking a male perspective on this, but the two arguments were as follows. One lady thought that if it was ok for men to do it, so why not women? Why should sex be any different for any other service you can pay for. Why does it have a certain stigma. Is it not safer, than young girls going on holiday, and picking up random men, and having sex with them. At least this is in a safe enviroment, where they know what they are getting, and there should be nothing to be ashamed of. The other lady had the view that women shouldn't have to pay for sex. That women do not have the same sexual needs as men, that they don't have to belittle themselves enough to ever have to pay for sex. That they were just trying to compete with men on every level, and that this was just taking it to far.
My viewpoint as with prostitution regardless of sex is wrong. I just can't understand the concept of people being willing to pay for sex, and what's even worse is people are willing to sell it. Male or female, I disagree with it. Having said that I understand both of the arguments above, I can understand both perspectives, though I don't entirely agree with either. I agree women paying for sex is taking it that step to far. That for their own self respect they shouldn't want to do that. I can also understand the attraction, if they want sexual needs taken care of, if they want to feel special, and they only feel they can get that by paying for it, I understand, but I don't agree. I can never imagine paying someone to kiss me, to spend time with me, to have sex with me. I personally could never imagine doing any of that, as it would cheapen the whole thing for me. These people have my pity, I'm sure they don't want it, but they have it anyway. For the short term it may make them feel good, but that's it, short term. The question is, is it really worth it? I don't think so.