"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
Published on August 6, 2004 By Sally jacobs In Misc
I hate it when things end. The end makes me sad. The end of relationships. The end of school. The end of jobs. The end of friendships. They are all incredibley sad. I'm far more emotional than I'd like to admit. The end is sad for everyone. I know. When something ends, I always seem to forget I'm starting something new to eventually end. I think I am just a creature of comfort. I like to know what's going on, I get used to certain things, and then for them to end, it's sad. It makes me feel incredibley lonely. I don't know where I'm going with this one folks. Usually when i write an article, it's usually all summarised in my head, so it makes sense. this one is just an emotional rant I guess. Life its self can be lonely. We all have friends and family and support systems, but when push comes to shove, it's just us. On our own against the world. When that crucial moment happens, and you have to make a snap decision, who is it that makes it. That would be you. You only have yourself to rely on. You only have what you have learnt so far, and how well you have taken on board these things to get you through.

I bet your happiest, most defining moments included someone else. I bet them endings that caused you pain, included someone else. That's what makes them so sad. you meet loads of people in this world. Every single day. Wonderful people. People you could never imagine forming relationships with. Sometimes you do though, sometimes you let them in. No matter what your firt impression was. It usually just gives you something to laugh about later on. Relationships do break down though. People aren't always who we think they are. We aren't always that compatable. I have friends, that I think are wicked, but get them together and they hate each other. Personal preference, we are all attreacted to different things. We all appreciate different things in people. We let these peopple in. Then for some reason it comes to end. We are lucky though. For having these people in our lives in the first place. They somehow change us. Not in obvious ways, but they do. Every person that meets us in life, touches in some way, some it's just a brush of hands, or a single pat, some it's a big huge hug, they all touch us, and this moulds us into the person we are now. We all need to be thankful we come across them people.

I know I'm rambling folks. Change just makes me sad. Everything is changing at the moment. What is it they say? Moving on to bigger and better things. Maybe so, but its more about the journey we take than where we actually get too. I guess I should embrace change. I do in some ways. It just makes me think of all the things gone by. All them times I've laughed and cried. All them things I've got through. All the things to come though. Things I haven't experienced yet. Those are truely amazing things. To feel the power of true love. To have babies. To be a success in what I do. All the achievements. Friends I still have to make. people I will still come across. I may have already had many ends. There are still so many too come. Lifes about ends?? Ahh you got to love my logic. So how to tie up this ramble? Embrace your endings, and enjoy you begginnings. Because life is to short, and there's still so much to do!

Just a note, I can't bring myself to re-read this, so apologies if it is full of mistakes and makes no sense. That was kind of the point of it though. Have a good weekend folks xx

on Aug 06, 2004
I think you made a lot of good points in this article. For myself, I'd like to think that because things will end, I would like to enjoy the moments when I still have them. I've come to realise that a lot of things in life come and go - friends come and go, children grow up and leave, etc, and therefore, when you have something good, make sure you realise it and enjoy it while you have it. For me that sort of reduces my looking back in regret that I didn't cherish the moment when I have it.
on Aug 06, 2004
man your like a little fairy godmother, all wise and shiz just out of Cinderella but much Hotter! totally wicked and rad!
on Aug 07, 2004
Hey Sal, hope you're okay?

Endings suck but I don't think they're ever really the end. I don't think life is a straight line then a brick wall for death. I think it moves in circles, and everything you do and learn now, and all the people you know now, and so on, comes back to you in some way later in life, maybe just their influence, or maybe they themselves.just look at fashion! hehe.

I don't think anything really ends- if the past is infinate (like how you can't figure out where the universe started) then maybe the future is too. I think it's important that you've realised you need to cherish these people and those moments even after they leave you- cuz they can have a far more profound effect on you that you'd originally think. You realise change is important- thats true- without change everything would stagnate, we'd never adapt or grow. We would become extinct. Some changes are hard and you feel like you wish things had never changed but maybe one day you'll know why they had to. Who knows, I'm not Plato, I don't have the answers. I think you realise all of this yourself, but you do sound down honey, so if you need to talk I'm here (or at least around )

Dyl xx
on Aug 07, 2004
For me that sort of reduces my looking back in regret that I didn't cherish the moment when I have it.

I try to live life with the view, I won't have any regrets. Regrets mean you've wasted your time. Where as you should learn from it instead!

man your like a little fairy godmother, all wise and shiz just out of Cinderella but much Hotter! totally wicked and rad!

Awwww Mandy, I don't know if I would go that far, but thankyou very much for such a nice compliment!

I think it moves in circles, and everything you do and learn now, and all the people you know now, and so on, comes back to you in some way later in life,

Agreed, life is not simple at all. Nothing ever really ends, its just that feeling when you think its coming to an end.

Some changes are hard and you feel like you wish things had never changed but maybe one day you'll know why they had to.

You're a wise chicky Dyl, yeah things do need to change, no matter what. It's just sad. I'm not really down hunny, just in a thinking mood. I've been reading your blog, and I shall comment, I've just not been in a waffling mood, and I like to get into my comments on your blog. I will be doing so though, so watch out! It's really nice your worried about me, but you don't need to be, I'm good and I'd tell you if I wasn't. Promise.

Thanks for all the comments chicks, you rock xxx

on Aug 07, 2004
As it's been said.. All good things must come to and end. But even after something is over it's truly not finished. You can always hold memories of something, and think back to what you've done and experienced.

I understand the thinking though. I've had to have a lot of endings recently in my life. Moving out of the state and house that I grew up from a munchkin in, leaving behind a LOT of friends to heh.. 'further' my life..... I'll not comment on that furthering my life part right now... lol

Nothing would be special though without an ending. If something happened forever then it would be mundane, and nothing special to us because we know it would always be there, and always able to be sought out. It's the ending that makes us enjoy what we have, when we have it.

Yes endings suck... but they bring their own special flavor to life that we would miss if it wasn't around.
on Aug 24, 2004

I think you said it......
its more about the journey we take than where we actually get too.

'It is not the destination that is of importance but the journey and that which we learn whilst travelling our chosen paths.' C.

I have travelled all over Australia before starting a family and whenever we got to where we were headed it was always an anticlimax!