A sense of humor is very important to me, for someone to make me laugh is amazing. I don't consider myself to be a funny writer though, I don't really consider myself to be a funny person, but I can make certain people laugh, and then other people just find me totally unamusing. I can understand that, I don't really appreciate 'stupid' humor or comedians for that matter. I prefer observational humor, something you can actually relate to, not something that is forced, and then you're expected to laugh. I HATE doing what I'm expected to do! I have a pretty sarcastic/dry sense of humor, something that is very difficult to get across in writing, and is usually taken as an insult, or making a dig at someone. Maybe that's the problem, my humor is usually at someone elses expense, though I can take it at my expense to. Don't give it out if you can't take it, that is the perfect philosophy for it!
My sense of humor is typically British, I know this, and it amazes me how different it is to the American humor. I think it's one of them cross overs that is just difficult. Just as my sense of humor is not understood, I don't get the American humor. I find it kind of frustrating. To be fair there are some sitcoms I find funny, Will and Grace rules for example, but when it's one on one conversations I find it very difficult for there to be a level of understanding when it comes to humor. I write articles on here, thinking ahhh this is really funny, and it gets an awful response. Or no response at all. Maybe that's just me being wrapped up in my own little world, i don't know, but I'm sure it's just not understood. It works both ways, i read blogs on here, and as the majority of users are American it is really appreciated, and it just flies straight over my pretty little head. I guess it's just a culture thing, or maybe it's just my sense of humor altogether, that's rather worrying!
It could be in fact that I'm the one with no sense of humor, or my sense of humor is sooooooo poor that it is to painful to acknowledge. I did a sense of humor quiz on here not so long ago, and it was an American quiz, and I got almost zero, for the sake of my ego, we are going to blame the culture difference ok? It amazes me on how different we can all be, even though we are all just human, enviroment has such a huge impact. Where we grow up, our education, where we work, who we mix with, our history. We are all taught different things and it is bound to make us different in certain ways. Gives us different outlooks, different perspectives. On the most part this is a good thing, it means we can learn, and grow together, but when it comes to personal attributes like humor, that isn't something you learn. You either have it or you don't. You're either on the same page or your not. You find something funny or you don't.
The English and Americans, are similar in some ways, both known for their arrogance. Not surprising really. In English opinion, Americans don't have a sense of humor, that's one of our favourite digs at you. i think it makes some people feel slightly superior maybe. I don't have a problem with that, what ever floats your boat. I have tried to understand, and I won't give up just yet. I just feel sometimes that I'm speaking a totally different language, and reading it at times too. If we don't try, we'll never learn. If we don't teach, we'll never change. I'm not saying Americans have no sense of humor, I'm saying I don't get you.