I want to keep this as light hearted as possible, as my head hurts due to far to much thinking, hmm. This article has several issues I'd like to cover really but I think I should keep to one and maybe cover the others at a later date, look I'm making no sense already! Grrr....ok, my question is why do we change? I'd like to think that I have a strong character that I wouldn't change for anyone, that I'm secure in my own opinions and beliefs that I wouldn't change, but that makes me small minded doesn't it? I mean I should be able to take them on and let them evolve me and make me change, and give me a wider knowledge, and that does happen, but what I'm talking about is people changing your behaviour, and the way you are as a person.
Here's an example, my friend, she's probably the most strong willed opinionated person I know. I have huge amounts of respect for her, due to her ability to live her life the way she wants to, and not listening to people when they try to dictate to her, she does her own thing, and I like that. Recently she's started seeing a blokey, and he's lovely, he's making her happy, so it's all good. This is the first time I've seen her truely settle with a blokey, and it is really nice to see. BUT, he's changing her, slowly but surely, he's moulding her, not into a completely different person, but just little things, that shoud be insignificant, she does for him. Things she might not usually do, she does just to keep him happy. Now she loves him, he loves her, so why not do things to make that happy, and I'm not even saying it doesn't work both ways. Should she change though, should she bend to his rules, and live life the way he wants, even if it doesn't have that huge impact on her as a person, is she not losing part of herself by doing that. I don't know if I'm just pig headed, and burying my head in the sand, not that I'm not guilty of this behaviour, but more on that later.
I have friends that do it too, you spend alot of time with someone, and you pick up little things they do or say, I guess it's just human nature, that the more we hear something, the more we repeat it, and so on. Is this just changing us into better people, or is it changing who we really are. Do we ever know who we really are? I fear as with everything in my life I'm looking far to deeply into this. I can't expect us just to stay the same, where would that get us? Not very far. We do need to change, to progress as people, to learn, we do need to change. It's the reasons we change that bothers me, to please others? That isn't a good reason, but what if pleasing others means that it pleases us to, is that a good reason? I have lots of questions but no answers. I know that certain people have changed me, and I like the person I am now, I prefer that person, I've learned and grown, and I hope that I have alot more growing to do. Did I take the easy way out though, did I change to please other instead of doing it for myself, and therefore, right now am I not being true to myself? I'm sorry, I fear none of this makes any sense, but it's nice to get it out. *sigh of relief*