People are strange creatures, I'm definitely a strange person, but I'm happy to be like that the stranger things about me make me who I am. What I'm more interested in is how people interact with each other. I was talking to my Auntie the other day and she says there are certain people she just takes a certain disliking to. They don't even have to do anything to her and she can just not like everything they do. I think I'm the same. I easily judge people, it's not something I'm proud of and I try my best not to do it, but I get an idea in my head about someone and it's really tough to shake it. I do it alot with people online, but it's more warrented than just the 'face value' of the real world. When you talk to someone online, you're not judging them by how they look, what clothes they wear, social status. No quick easy stereotypes can be formed, so that you can have them summed up within seconds of meeting them. You just have them as a person. Raw personality to go off. You see the things that normally you may not get the chance to see.
Getting the chance to see these things is a good thing. I'm very fussy about peoples personalities. This is probably going to make me sound really bad, but if anything I'm honest and people know where they stand with me. I'm not a patient person. I'm bad with stupid people. Wow, ok now I sound mean. I don't think I'm super intelligent, far from it. I'm average intelligence at best, but people that I don't connect with on an intellectual level really frustrate me. I feel like I'm repeatedly banging my head against a brickwall and I don't have the patience to put up with it. Maybe that makes me arrogant. I don't know. I'm the same with sense of humour. I have a very sarcastic sense of humour, which is difficult to get across through writing and if people don't get my sense of humour this also frustrates me. Because I like to make people laugh. I use it as a defence mechanism, if i get upset or offended i can make a joke out of it. It makes it all ok!
I guess we're all the same when picking friends. What is it that makes us choose though? I'm sure when asked we all form a list of similar qualities that we'd like in our friends. So why do we all end up with different friends, forming different groups. Why are we attracted to certain people but not others. I understand we are all different, but even when we write down our perfect person on paper, when we come across that person that we can tick every box for, it doesn't mean we are going to click no matter how right it might be.
I guess what I'm trying to say is when we find these people, that we can connect with, that we do consider to be special, that we consider to be true friends. They are special. Very special. Because no matter how many good, nice people there are in the world, very few of them will you be able to call friends. So those you do find, who you do click with, should be held on to and appreciated for what they are.