"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
Published on June 20, 2004 By Sally jacobs In Home & Family
Here's a couple of pics of my niece Madison, hope you like! Oh, and I'd like to wish my Dad a Happy Fathers day, least he deserves putting up with me! Hope you all had a wicked weekend x If pic doesn't work go here Link
on Jun 20, 2004
What a charming little girl, Sally. You should be proud of your daughter, although I am a little alarmed that you do not know who the father is. I am also glad I could help you with your posting problem, as we discussed in private messaging.
on Jun 20, 2004
....my NIECE Petey! Thank you for your help, I am most grateful!
on Jun 20, 2004
So cute! And I don't even like babies! Just wait til she starts walking - she has that mischievous look in her eye! xx
on Jun 20, 2004
hehe... nice baby Sally!!!

*GET IN MY BELLY!!!!* hehe.... babies are so cute, you could eat them

I will have some pictures of baby Lexi that i will post soon

on Jun 20, 2004
GET IN MY BELLY!!!!* hehe.... babies are so cute, you could eat them

Haha and you call me weird! Thanks for the comment, and I can't wait to see Lexi! They so cute when they that tiny, awwww!
on Jun 20, 2004
What a lovely little gel! Its their little fingernails I like - they're so tiny and perfectly formed. Awwwwwww. I want kids now. I'm sure the feeling will pass.
on Jun 20, 2004
AWE!!!! She is soooooo cute!! I love babies!!!

Ashlee Ryder
on Jun 20, 2004
Its their little fingernails I like - they're so tiny and perfectly formed

...I'm saying nothing, hehe

Thanks Ashlee, they are cute, but good to hand back to!
on Jun 20, 2004

Awwwww! She's adorable! 

I'm all broody again now...ooh, the girl down the street from me had a baby, perhaps I can play with hers for a bit!

on Jun 20, 2004
Awwwww! She's adorable!

Thank you Dharma! Yeah they are cute from a distance, I think I'm broody then I get reminded of all the sleepless nights, sick and poo, and it's good to just have the nice bits, hehe!
on Jun 20, 2004
what a cutie!!!!!!!
on Jun 21, 2004
aww she is so cute!! She's absolutely gorgeous Sal, must be in the genes huh?

Thankee for the comment, I actually thought my writing was deteriorating, I sort of lack time to write now I actually have somethin to do besides watch tumbleweeds roll by etc. lol.

About my mom- She'll probably get the house in the divorce anyway, she'll still be pretty loaded anyway so if not she can just buy a new one. I got the job so i start tonight! eek. kinda nervous but will write all about tomorrow probably.

Sorry haven't had time to catch up, wiil do soon. Hope youre good, keep me updated!!

lots of love Dylxxx