So I have to say I have a certain soft spot for the lovely Jamie Oliver. There is something quite honest and nice about him. He has a certain charm, and the work he has done here for kids schools dinners has worked wonders. I opened the newspaper this morning and was faced with this picture....
Yep that's Jamie! Who usually looks like this....
I was shocked and horrored in just about equal measures! How could Jamie do this to himself???? I then read the story to go with it. It's only a fat suit (phew)! He is doing a follow-up show to his Jamie's school dinners, to encourage kids to eat healthy. I think that he is doing a really good job myself. he's made me want to go on a diet doing that, and I haven't even seen the show yet! It's really important to get kids eating properly, and especially at school. I think he's a decent guy, and should keep up the good work!