"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
After hearing the sad news about Heather Mills and Sir Paul McCartney, and their divorce, it got me thinking about marriage. Many people think that Heather was only ever with him for his money. Well I suppose that is something we will never know. She had a baby with this man and spent 4 years (ish) with him. So I guess there was some feelings there. However, she is set to recieve quite a settlement deal. If it was true love would she take all that money? Or would she accept just enough to take care of their child? Well we don't know what went on between them ,and we never will, so we can only presume. However, there are some people that do marry just for money. They spend a few years with someone, and then leave better off. Is it right to fool someone that you love them, when you really don't? I do find it hard to believe that people marry with that in mind, and don't really mean the sentiment that goes with marriage. It's quite a sad thing really.

When I get married, it will be forever. I will confidently look into the eyes of the man I love, and tell him it is forever, and I will mean it. I don't want to get divorced, I don't want my children to live between homes. I want them to have a Mummy and Daddy who live together and love each other. I realise that life doesn't always work like that. You can't always be sure that it will be forever. Sometimes things don't work out as a fairytale, and it's better to just separate, and go your own way. People just seem to do it so easily nowadays. The first sign of trouble and they are gone, moving on to the next person. Is true love not worth working at? Things won't always go swimmingly, there will be bad times and I think many people just give up to easily.

It seems to be a generation thing. Many older people seem to have been together for years, and are extremely happy. Or are they? Are they just so used to having each other that they don't know any other way. That it was so drilled into them that divorce wasn't an option that they stayed with the same person. Maybe not entirely happy? I wonder which generation is happier? I guess the question is are we made to have one partner? Or a number of different partners in different stages of our lives? I like to think that we are made to be with just one person. Once we find that person we are with them forever. Who knows though. Maybe as I get older, and see myself change more, I will see that you are made to be with different people. I guess I just like to have romantic notions, and think that I will find my soulmate.

Anyway, back to these people who just marry for money, and think marriage is nothing more than a cash register. Can we blame them, when there's such little importance on staying married? Maybe people just think that they should get what they can out of it, and love can wait. Isn't that just like prostituting yourself, but doing it for a longer period of time, and getting a bigger reward from it? A few years isn't long and many people can walk away from a marriage with enough money to set themselves up for the rest of their lives. I think that's like selling your soul. Peoples hearts are delicate things and they shouldn't be played with. There shouldn't be a price put on them. Maybe as I get older and more cynical I will lose these romantic notions. I hope not though.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 26, 2006
You talk about two issues here: marrying for money, and marrying, full stop.

The marrying for money thing, I think some women do it and are fully aware they are doing it, and i'm sure it is some long term prostitution. The only example that comes to my mind right now is that blonde with the big boobs that married the old rich guy that died, geez i cant remember her name lol.........Anyhow, never mind, it'll come back to me later!

But some women will also have the money thing as a condition to marrying someone because they want to be safe and comfortable.

And other women just dont give a damn of the money and will be with a man no matter what. Even if it means being broke every end of the month.

Love cant always survive. Eventually material things will become an issue whether there's too much or not enough. If there's too much, the relationship will probably become too materialized for the couple to enjoy the little things that really count. And if theres not enough, the stress of not being able to enjoy a comfortable life as advertized on all billboards could ruin everything.

However if you let love guide everything in good and bad times, I am sure it can work out fine. And if you work on a relationship when it hits the rocks I believe it can work out. But both individuals have to be willing to work on it.
If only there wasnt such a thing as money. It would be the garden of Eden: utopia. You and I are both idealistic persons I think Sally, but I think it's better to believe in love and have faith that we are meant for a special someone than to be cynic and bitter about everything.

I'm not sure if I made a point somewhere but I must have, lol!
on May 26, 2006
One thing I've learned from observing my parents' marriage is that there are some kinds of relationships that cannot be forged except by two people who are committed to sticking with each other and working out their differences together.

My parents went through a rocky patch that lasted about ten years. I honestly don't know why they didn't get divorced. But now, their friendship is stronger than ever. They're more alive, more energetic, more positive--younger, even, than I've ever seen them.

You don't get a relationship like that by walking away when things "just aren't working out anymore".

To me, that's what marriage is: the commitment to seek out new friendships, to boldly go where no mere boyfriend and girlfriend have gone before.

If that sounds like your kind of adventure, then marriage is for you. Otherwise? Not so much.
on May 26, 2006
You talk about two issues here: marrying for money, and marrying, full stop.

Yer I kind of got lost in the two issues. I get in waffle mode when I start talking about love and marriage...I'm such a chick, ha!

The only example that comes to my mind right now is that blonde with the big boobs that married the old rich guy that died, geez i cant remember her name lol.........Anyhow, never mind, it'll come back to me later!

Do you mean Anna Nicole Smith? I think that's her name...though now I'm not sure either. It worked wonders for her though didn't it!

And other women just dont give a damn of the money and will be with a man no matter what. Even if it means being broke every end of the month.

It shouldn't matter. I know it's nice to feel secure and looked after, but women now should be capable of providing for themselves. They shouldn't rely on a man. If they love someone it won't matter if they are broke!

Eventually material things will become an issue whether there's too much or not enough. If there's too much, the relationship will probably become too materialized for the couple to enjoy the little things that really count. And if theres not enough, the stress of not being able to enjoy a comfortable life as advertized on all billboards could ruin everything.

There are so many issues when you live your life with someone. You won't get on well all the time. There will be arguments over money and how you share your life together. Many people just give up when things become to difficult.

You and I are both idealistic persons I think Sally, but I think it's better to believe in love and have faith that we are meant for a special someone than to be cynic and bitter about everything.

Yes I agree, and I like the way I am. I think it's nice to have faith in love. Even if I don't have any reason to so far, ha!

Thanks for the comment chick xxx
on May 26, 2006
Sorry fishy we were posting at the same time, I wasn't ignoring you!

My parents went through a rocky patch that lasted about ten years. I honestly don't know why they didn't get divorced. But now, their friendship is stronger than ever. They're more alive, more energetic, more positive--younger, even, than I've ever seen them.

My folks are the same. They met very young and 30 odd years later they are still together. They have had their bad times, but the number one thing for them is that they are friends, and they get on so well. That everything else seems to get worked out because of that.

To me, that's what marriage is: the commitment to seek out new friendships, to boldly go where no mere boyfriend and girlfriend have gone before.If that sounds like your kind of adventure, then marriage is for you. Otherwise? Not so much.

That is a wonderful quote! Even though I completely agree with that, I don't think marriage is for me. I think I am happy to stay with someone and be with them without a piece of paper saying we should be. However, if one day I fall madly in love with some poor sod, and he asks, I don't think I could say no....

Thanks for the comment xxx
on May 26, 2006
Anna Nicole Smith

THAT'S THE NAME OF THE B*ATCH!! Haha! Thanks, I got brain dead for a little while

Many people just give up when things become to difficult.

Yeah totally, and the thing is you dont know if they never should have been together or if they should have worked it out somehow.

I think it's nice to have faith in love. Even if I don't have any reason to so far, ha!

Same here, lol! But i still feed the little hope I have with dreams and pink clouds
on May 26, 2006
Yeah marrying for money is prostitution. Just call me Trixie, I'm looking for a rich 90 year old
on May 27, 2006
The marrying for money thing, I think some women do it and are fully aware they are doing it, and i'm sure it is some long term prostitution. The only example that comes to my mind right now is that blonde with the big boobs that married the old rich guy that died, geez i cant remember her name lol.........Anyhow, never mind, it'll come back to me later!

Anna Nicole Smith
on May 27, 2006
Believe it or not, Anna Nicole's husband loved her very much, and regardless of how the rest of society turns their noses up in distaste for such relationships, she made the old geezer a VERY happy man in the last years of his life.

I agree. She's not the brightest bulb on the tree, I'll give you that, but there was something between them.
on May 27, 2006
If I were on the dating scene today at my age and with what I know. YES, money would play a big factor in who I dated.


Well, WHY NOT?

If I am going to invest my time, and possibly love in a man....why shouldn't he be the very best in all areas?

Does that mean I'd date a rich scumbag? Hardly.

But I would most likely only date men who were professionals, and were doing well financially in life.

I don't think its prostitution at all. I think its looking out for my future.

Love is great, but it doesn't pay the bills...and while the "love" conquers all thing is romantic...its not realistic. If it were then no one would ever get divorced...think about it...how many people are in hate when they marry? Most are in "love." So if love conquers all...why the high divorce rate?

Because it doesn't.

Anyway, its not like I wouldn't be bringing anything to the relationship. Money is just one aspect of marriage....there are certainly others many men consider as essential as cash.

If I lived in the jungle and was looking for a mate. I'd be looking for the biggest and toughest, the one who could take care of me, protect me.

My 2 cents.
on May 27, 2006
Yeah totally, and the thing is you dont know if they never should have been together or if they should have worked it out somehow.

If people don't bother to work it out, it suggests to me they weren't meant to be from the start.

Same here, lol! But i still feed the little hope I have with dreams and pink clouds

Hehe, same here! Ahh how I love pink fluffy clouds!

Yeah marrying for money is prostitution. Just call me Trixie, I'm looking for a rich 90 year old

I'll let you know if I come across any Trixie

Believe it or not, Anna Nicole's husband loved her very much, and regardless of how the rest of society turns their noses up in distaste for such relationships, she made the old geezer a VERY happy man in the last years of his life.

If the man is fully aware of what's going on, which I'm guessing they are in a situation like that, and they are happy with it, then each to their own. It's not for me, but if hey want to do that fair enough.

It's just as easy to fall in love with a rich man as it is with a poor man, so why not seek out a good provider for yourself and your offspring? That's not prostitution, that's common sense survival instinct.

I suppose it's all down to what you consider to be important. If the choice was a man I love and money, then I would choose the man I love. I guess I just think that love comes first, but I may be just young and foolish, hehe!

Money does matter. It matters a lot

Yes it does, but I want to be capable of providing for myself. I don't want to rely on a man. Now of course when I get married, and have children or whatever the chances are my husband would be the one providing, and in that case I would want him to provide. The initial attraction though, and my decision to be with him would not be based on money.

I won't say that His earning potential wasnt considered before I agreed to marry Him. It was. But that doesnt mean I don't love Him and it doesnt mean I would abandon Him during hard times.

Alright I thought about this, and if I met a man, and I liked him, but he didn't want to work, and just sat on his ass all day, I would find that a turn off. Not just because he didn't have any money, but I would consider him to be lazy, and not really going anywhere. I want someone with ambition, and someone who can provide. However, there are more important things than a big bank account, like you said.

The best marriages are those in which each partner feels they are getting back more than they put into the relationship. We have one of those, and it's a blessing no matter how you look at it.

It's give and take, and different things suit different people. As long as you're happy, that is all that counts.

Love is great, but it doesn't pay the bills...and while the "love" conquers all thing is romantic...its not realistic. If it were then no one would ever get divorced...think about it...how many people are in hate when they marry? Most are in "love." So if love conquers all...why the high divorce rate?

I guess I'm just a romantic. I understand that money is important, whether you are in a relationship or not. I also understand that people consider a man who is capable of providing important. I don't think that is prostitution. However, when someone marries someone knowing full well they don't really love them, and it's just because of how big their bank account is, in my opinion that is wrong. I personally think the high divorce rate is down to just how easy it is to do now. People aren't expected to stay together like they once were, and people aren't willing to work hard. It would seem we are the generation that wants to make everything as easy as possible, even though easy isn't always the best option.

If I lived in the jungle and was looking for a mate. I'd be looking for the biggest and toughest, the one who could take care of me, protect me.

I admit I am attracted to big strong men, hehe!

Thanks for all the comments x
on May 27, 2006
my 'good' twin?

Sometimes I wonder if we aren't related somewhere down in the hilly billy side of our not so branching family trees!
on May 27, 2006

If you are marrying strictly for money then yea, it's prostitution.  But marriage is a strange institution as-is.

Few people get married thinking it isn't "forever".  What allows people to stay together long term differs a lot from person to person.  But what breaks them up seems to be a relatively small list for most of them -- money or infidelity. 

Of my friends who have gotten divorced, ever single one was because of disagreements on money.  What about love? Love really isn't enough. Not by a long shot.  If you have a spouse who runs up $40k credit card bills and you are the type of person who wants to save away for retirement, that's going to be a serious problem.

The first thing to accept about love is that it is a chemical thing. Or more precisely, early love.  I think most people who get married within the first year or two of meeting are still mostly drive by the chemical thing (hormones). There's nothign wrong with that.  Physical attraction is absolutely vital.  But most people don't discuss how the finances should be handled. Or how the children should be raised. Or all kinds of other issues.  The people who commonly do talk about those things with their prospective mates are the ones who have been divorced once and learned a lot of lessons from it.

I'm a big advocate of living together before getting married. There are stats that imply that people who live together before marriage are more likely to get divorced but i doubt there's any real negative causation like that.  Living together does give people a chance to see what the other person is like to live with and all those ugly things will come out.

on May 28, 2006
What about love? Love really isn't enough. Not by a long shot. If you have a spouse who runs up $40k credit card bills and you are the type of person who wants to save away for retirement, that's going to be a serious problem.

I guess part of me just wishes that love was enough. When you marry someone though, you do take on someone else, and their way of life, and their beliefs. It's about give and take I guess, and if someone doesn't respect that, I can understand how a marriage doesn't last.

I think most people who get married within the first year or two of meeting are still mostly drive by the chemical thing (hormones). There's nothign wrong with that. Physical attraction is absolutely vital. But most people don't discuss how the finances should be handled. Or how the children should be raised.

You know it amazes me how two people who are considering a life together can't have such discussions. If I ever marry someone I want to know them inside out. I want to know that we fit together well, and that we have similar beliefs, and we want the same things for are kids. That's not to say we have to agree with everything, because that would be no fun. I just think there needs to be a little understanding there. As you said the physical attraction is important, and that feeling of being completely in love is wonderful. When you consider marrying someone though other things should come in to it.

I'm a big advocate of living together before getting married. There are stats that imply that people who live together before marriage are more likely to get divorced but i doubt there's any real negative causation like that.

I'd be happy to just live with someone and never get married. If I knew I loved them, and it was forever, I would be quite happy just knowing that.

Thanks for the comment x
on May 28, 2006
Actually (and I've told my wife this): if we were dating right now, I highly doubt we'd get married in the sense that the state defines it. I really don't want the government involved in my bedroom.
on May 29, 2006
Sometimes things don't work out as a fairytale,

And sometimes they do. I hope tale has a happy ending (and hopefully well-off too )
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