"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
Published on May 21, 2006 By Sally jacobs In Misc
I don't like Barbie dolls. Mainly due to a rather traumatic experience as a child. My sister is what's known as "sadistic". I admit that as a child I was quite annoying. I was a bit moany (not alot changes). I had alot of Barbie dolls. I didn't have a Ken. I really wanted a Ken. So badly. I wanted to make him and Barbie smooch, and make them hold hands, and dance around the room together. It was rather magical in my mind. So I asked my Mum for a Ken. I asked my Dad for a Ken. I asked my Grandparents for a Ken. I asked my older sisters for a Ken. When I was ignored, I asked again, and again. So it went on. Until one day this constant mithering got to much for my eldest sister, who has about ten years on me. She sat me down, and promised me a Ken. I was ever so pleased. I sat, and I waited, and she returned with my favourite Barbie doll. She had extra long hair, that you could spend ages brushing, and putting clips in it, and platts etc. She was ace. My darling sister then got a pair of scissors and chopped Barbies hair off. Until Barbie looked like a boy. She then happily passed me Barbie, and told me she was now Ken. I cried. Alot. I did try to make best of the situation after I was over the initial shock, and Barbie got some lesbian action, but it just didn't feel right. Ever since I have hated Barbie. I moved on to toy cars, and was a much happier child for it. Which leads me on to the reason for this blog. I saw a woman recently who looked just like Barbie. I mean she had the same plastic look, she looked like she would never age. Mainly due to alot of plastic surgery. Well, she looked like Barbie, after Barbie had a monster boob job. This womans boobies were HUGE. Surely no one would choose to have that back pain, and difficulty in finding clothing intentionally?

I don't have a problem with plastic surgery at all. I think if it makes you feel confident, and it makes you feel better, why the hell not? There is always someone on the sidelines who is waiting to knock you down, and if that's what you need to feel confident, then go for it. However, with every good thing, there is always someone that is wanting to take it that bit to far. These people I don't understand. Why would you want your face to remain expressionless for the rest of your life? Why would you want HUGE abnormal boobies? Why would you want people staring at you like you was a freak show? Not that people should be doing...but it's a little like a car wreck, you don't want to look, yet you just can't take your eyes away from it. This woman I saw, who looked like Barbie suffered from low self confidence. She had lost alot of weight and plastic surgery made her feel good about herself. This is what I don't understand though, she had gone from one extreme to another. People were still judging her for how she looked. She'd just moved their attention elsewhere, and that's what I don't understand. She still felt bad, and it hadn't really done anything for her. I mean Barbie looks good, Ken digs her, but would you really want to look like her forever?

Plastic Surgery isn't for me. For one I am a complete wimp. I've seen them shows that show people going through it, they look bruised and battered for months. Why would I want to put myself through that? Seriously, I'll stay ugly thanks. Plus, there is nothing that I REALLY hate. I mean if I started picking, I could find loads of things that bothered me a little bit. So I'd probably end up getting addicted, because I would be never satisfied, and I to would end up without an expression. Also many men I have spoken to don't really think much of boob jobs, or so they say. Maybe this is one of these things, where they say one thing, but when they come face to face (literally) with the munsters it might be a different story. I guess it all depends on the person. So JU tell me, would you have plastic surgery? Have you had plastic surgery? What do you think about it? Love it? Hate it? Not bothered? Tell me!

on May 21, 2006
I am against any fake altercations. If you want your stomach to look better and you workout to change that great. But be happy with who you are. It is becoming a lost art.
on May 21, 2006
One of my good friends had her boobs done. I haven't seen her since but I think it will be weird. She likes them so I guess that's all that matters. If my husband wanted to spend thousands of dollars on me I would rather have diamonds.

I think it's different changing things on your body than your face. I mean what makes anyone special or different if everyone looks fake with the same noses. I mean some of these woman you honestly don't know what they look like. They just seem so fake and phony. How can that be attractive? My nose has a small bump in it and that's part of what makes me me. I don't feel the need to fix things like that. Though I do have fantasies and wonder what it would be like to be tall or have really long legs or be just stop and stare gorgous.
on May 21, 2006
I've never had plastic surgery, and haven't yet met anyone who has had it done to 'enhance' their looks as opposed to 'correct' an unfortunate accident or situation. A friend of mine got her breasts reduced in size, as the weight of them were causing damage to her spine. She told me, step by step, how it was done, and I have to admit, it was way too gross for me to ever consider voluntarily.

The risks, the pain, and the irreversibility of it, seems too much for me.
on May 21, 2006
I would never get a boob job. I'm already a big enough boob
on May 21, 2006

Quite a long time ago someone else here asked that same question,  and most of JU said:  "no,  they wouldn't get plastic surgery.  I said I would,  and I felt like the only person "in the room"  that said so.  I guess most here are happy with their looks and are self-confident.

If I could,  I'd have a tummy tuck as I've lost alot of weight,  have a face lift,  ( older now)  and get a boob lift and aguementation. 

I lost over a 100 # back in 73-74 and NO amount of exercise will help the excess skin,  same for my face.  I'd love to have fuller boobs and besides,  gravity and time have dropped them down to my navel!  well ok,  just a little too low.  Just my 2 cents worth.

on May 21, 2006
I'd have those little moon shaped implants that make your boobs perkier, and I have lipo on my tummy, hips, thighs, and maybe even my arms. I'd ask for a new belly button, too...one of those long ones like you see on bikini models. I'd get veneers (sp?) for my teeth. Hmmm...what else? You don't want to jack with your face too much or you'll end up not looking like yourself.

I'm okay with me, but if I had tons of money and I wasn't scared of such drastic surgery I think I would consider having things done.

I used to know a woman who had a boob job. She had a flat chest, and the implants made her maybe a B cup. It looked really nice and subtle.
on May 21, 2006
I guess most here are happy with their looks and are self-confident.

Hehehe. I don't feel all that all the time. I am just a big chicken to consider going through with it. If it was possible I'd definitely get the fat trimmed.
on May 21, 2006
Like you, I don't have a problem with plastic surgery. My sister has had her boobs done and loves the results. She says she feels more confident and attractive. It also helps that it has invigorated her marriage. Hey, whatever works. I personally wouldn't go for plastic surgery, though. I like me the way I am, warts and all.

On the other hand, I would always go for more tattoos, which I know a lot of people don't like.
on May 22, 2006
Nope I wouldnt do it. I think like you Sally I wouldnt be satisfied, and what if they put a face on you that wasnt what you wanted in the first place. I get that a lot when I go to the hairdresser, so I dont think i'll risk that with my face or my body, heh! No way,I wouldnt trust anyone with family heritage, hehe! And i'm way toooooooo scared of the knife so no thanks! lol
on May 22, 2006
But be happy with who you are. It is becoming a lost art.

I couldn't of put it better. People are all so worried about what other people think, that they forget the most important opinion of all and that's their own.

One of my good friends had her boobs done. I haven't seen her since but I think it will be weird

My friend had her boobs done. Not like a huge difference, so it wasn't really obvious. I have some kind of strange admiration for her, maybe because she had the guts to do it, I don't know.

They just seem so fake and phony. How can that be attractive?

I couldn't agree more! Personally I don't think it is attractive...but each to their own!

Though I do have fantasies and wonder what it would be like to be tall or have really long legs or be just stop and stare gorgous.

Now if something could be done about height then I might consider it, I am only small, and it does get annoying, especially when everyone treats you like a cute little child!

She told me, step by step, how it was done, and I have to admit, it was way too gross for me to ever consider voluntarily.

I'm just to much of a wimp for such things. Put myself through pain, when I have no reason too? No thanks!

I would never get a boob job. I'm already a big enough boob

Hehe...maybe a boob reduction then??

I guess most here are happy with their looks and are self-confident.

I wouldn't say I was completely happy with my looks. There are things that I don't like, just like everyone else. I am confident though, I tend to think people will like me for me, and if they don't that is their loss.

If I could, I'd have a tummy tuck as I've lost alot of weight, have a face lift, ( older now) and get a boob lift and aguementation.

When I get older, and if gravity isn't kind to my boobs, I may consider a lift. I like moy boobs now, and I think I would be so upset if they went to my ankles. So maybe one day. I have seen people who have lost weight and now have excess skin, and I do understand why they have surgery, in the same position I would no doubt do the same.

(im apple-shaped, heh, well, more like a dumpling these days, but even at my ideal weight, anything fitted is too tight in the waist)

My boobs are alot bigger than my waist, so I am generally a size bigger on my top, so sometimes I look bigger than I actually am. It's really difficult to find the right combination, so that things looked fitted and you don't look like a bag lady!

RK on my eyes, just so wearing glasses would be an optional fashion statement rather than a every-waking-moment necessity.

Do you ever wear contacts?

I'd ask for a new belly button, too...one of those long ones like you see on bikini models.

Hehe this made me giggle! I do know what you mean though! You made me think too. I may have my arms done, I'm not fond of my arms. Hmm....

I'd get veneers (sp?) for my teeth.

Oh yes! My teeth. I don't have bad teeth at all. However, if they got worse as I got older then maybe!

I'm okay with me, but if I had tons of money and I wasn't scared of such drastic surgery I think I would consider having things done.

My fear would be that I'd never stop!

She says she feels more confident and attractive. It also helps that it has invigorated her marriage

That's a grea thing, and if it makes someone feel better about themselves, then good on them I think!

I would always go for more tattoos, which I know a lot of people don't like.

I have to admit I am not to fond of tats. I'd never have one, just because I know what I am like, and a few years down the line I would hate it.

what if they put a face on you that wasnt what you wanted in the first place. I get that a lot when I go to the hairdresser

Ohh same here! I know that I would still find something wrong. I would never be perfect, or what I percieve as perfect in my head! I'm terrible when I go to the hairdressers, I always find a hair out of place!

I wouldnt trust anyone with family heritage, hehe! And i'm way toooooooo scared of the knife so no thanks

Same here, and I'd be scared that I couldn't smile, or frown anymore. That I would be just expressionless for ever more. Also I'd hate it if it was obvious to everyone around me that I'd had anything done. What's the point of doing it, if people can tell?

Thanks for all the comments guys xxx
on May 22, 2006

You may not be far off on that woman.  I have heard there is a woman in England who has had thousands and thousands of dollars of plastic surgery to look lilke Barbie.  Maybe that is her?

Plastic Surgery is not for everyone.  But if it makes you feel better, go for it.  It can be overdone however.

on May 22, 2006
I suppose I could go with disposables...but the idea of just being able to wake up and SEE without having to put anything on my face or in my eyes is just so attractive.

Yes I understand that, plus I can imagine it's a pain having to put them in and out everyday. I struggle doing my hair daily, nevermind touching my eyeballs too! Have your eyes always been bad? Or has it progressed since you got older? My long distance eyesight is getting progressively worse, and I am starting to get bad headaches. I haven't had an eye test for years. Maybe the time is near!

I'm only 5'2" and I think I am been kind there. I know how difficult it is to find trousers to wear. At the moment the short trousers that are really fashionable just look like normal trousers on me, that are a little to short. Also I'm not good in high shoes due to the fact I'm a little dizzy and don't really fancy breaking my neck. I also know about the flat butt thing! I always look like I'm sagging at the back (I am painting an attractive picture of myself) because there just isn't enough butt to fill them. Yet I also have illusions that I have a really huge butt....don't ask me how that works! To be fair I do think I'm about in proportion. I have a small frame, and it's only really my boobs that are big. Very much so for my frame. I remember when I was 16 or so, I told a friend of mine that I was going to dye my hair blonde. She told me not to do it, as I'd look just like Pamela Anderson. Though I'd like to take that as a compliment, I don't think it was! The petite range is good for my bottom, but anything on top just ends up looking really short! Oh it's hard being a woman, hehe!

You may not be far off on that woman. I have heard there is a woman in England who has had thousands and thousands of dollars of plastic surgery to look lilke Barbie. Maybe that is her?

Alright, alright, I admit it, it's me, haha! I don't know if it's the same person....this woman claims to have the biggest breasts in Britain. A title she is welcome to. She showed her breasts, and I think she has to get bra's especially made. My boobies aren't small, and though I am very fond of them, and quite attached, I would never make a decision to enlarge my boobies if I didn't already have them. They can be hard work, and do you know how difficult it is to get a man to look you in the eye?
on May 22, 2006
I do ok with shirts and blouses, its pants and skirts that screw me up. If they fit through the waist, they are a foot too long and baggy in the butt. Thank god for stretchy pants, lol....but I'd really love to have a pair of nice fitting jeans again. Liposuction would help!

Hehe. Move to Hawaii and wear shorty shorts everyday.