"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
Published on August 5, 2004 By Sally jacobs In Internet
I don't know alot about computers, I know how to switch one on, and I can blindly feel my way around until I find what i am looking for. I have a vague idea of what I am doing. I don't particularly want to know a great deal with them, the ins and outs of this great thing I'm using to type my message to you now (a keyboard?) would probably ruin the illusion for me. Make me look far to deeply into it, and take out the enjoyment of searching the net. Once you get serious about things, they tend to start lacking in the fun factor, or maybe that's just me. Anyway, I'm getting off my point. I should know about computers. I have used them since I was at school, for research, for essays, for wasting time in chatrooms, talking to friends on messenger. All kinds of things. I guess I know my fair share, but in comparison to most people I am a pc retard, and I will happily admit it.

Internet chatrooms have provided me with hours of entertainment. Far to many hours of entertainment probably. The strange and wonderful people you meet in them though. The seriosness of situations created in these rooms. I couldn't help but get amused. It's like going to the pub of an evening, but you don't have to dress up, and you have the comfort of your own home. They are good if you take them the right way. They are not real, you can have a laugh and a joke with people, and meet lots of fabulous people. I have graced these chatrooms on and off with my presence over the years. I've found they are good fun in small doses. At first I just used the text in them, but places like yahoo provided you with voice chat. A scary concept. One that took me years of going in chatrooms before I decided to try it. Voice chat I have to say is great. To listen to all these different accents, to all these different people. It makes you realise you are talking to lots of 'real' people. You could have a good giggle with people, and actually build friendships with them. A bit like this community, talking to them became as normal as talking to your friends you see everyday.

Chatrooms can be addictive. People can take them too seriously. There are people with booters, that can basically just disconnect you from chat and kick you out of the room if they don't like what you say. Usually used by people who lack the intelligence to have a decent conversation, or who take the rooms far to seriously. They are light entertainment. For people who visited on a regular basis, they became life. Them people no doubt talked to people in the chatroom more than they spoke to their famililes. That's just wrong. I have been a user of mainly Yahoo chat. Msn is good for one on one conversations, I never liked the chatrooms much though. I always felt they were taken a little to seriously.

Anyway, I haven't used chat much for a while. It started to change. Everyone had booters, and were kicking each other all over the place. Text was disappearing, so you'd be typing in a room and the next thing no one could see what you were saying. Most of the time people just argued. It wasn't the source of light entertainment it once was. I think alot of people got the same idea as me. On returning to yahoo chat. I have found that hardly anyone has voice chat anymore, and the rooms are basically taken up with bots. Also there is a new yahoo messenger that doesn't seem to have the option for you to enter chat through it. So how do you get through chat? On Java? Yahoo Java seems to have done a disappearing act too. On having a look at that, it seem to have been replaced with a pirate that is sponsered by Lycos. Hmmm.....just what has happened to yahoo chat? They obviously want rid of voice chat. Since no one seems to be using it anymore. They also seem to want to slowly but surely kill chat off altogether.

I could be wrong, as I've said, I'm not a computer expert. All I know is what I've seen. I have looked about the net, and I can't see any information about it. So anyone out there any ideas what has happened to it? I don't really see it as a bad thing, as I said I stopped using it, and it was going down the toilet. I'm just not that keen on change, and yahoo has provided me with some hilarious moments, it would be nice to know whats happened with it.

on Aug 05, 2004
is it gone? never used it myself but I still see the link on the yahoo.com page.
on Aug 05, 2004
4th icon from the left on the newest Yahoo Messenger is Chat and it still works.... Not sure why it is not going on yours?
on Aug 05, 2004
4th icon from the left on the newest Yahoo Messenger is Chat and it still works....

messenger 6.0??? I've downloaded it a few times, no chat option. I've redownloaded the old version, and I've come across a few people who have the same problem.....
on Aug 05, 2004

messenger 6.0???

Yes, what version of Windows are you using?

on Aug 06, 2004
Windows XP...did I mention I was pc retarded?
on Sep 23, 2006

messenger 6.0??? I've downloaded it a few times, no chat option. I've redownloaded the old version, and I've come across a few people who have the same problem.....

Well im using 6.0 1922 and this is the top part of my messenger:

As you can see it has a button for "chat" rooms ..now if your referring to chat as in voice chat you should still not be having a problem . 6.0 voice works just fine.
But, there lies the problem of so many different versions of messenger. I think after 7.0 or 8.0 when you try to turn on voice - if your using 6.0 and they have a higher version you will get a message saying you are not compatible and you can't voice...but that is resolved by simply inviting that person to a ' conference ' which is located under " contacts" on messenger or the top of an IM box. Voice will work fine even if both are using 2 different versions of messenger. Right now the newest version is having lots of voice difficulties. A lot have uninstalled it and returned to a 6.0 version. You can find any version of messenger at freecreed.com
Just uninstall your messenger using the custom uninstall and replying " yes" to all questions then install old version.
Yahoo has been merging with msn so it has been a mess for months. One day it works - next day it doesnt. Although I thought the merging was completed ......but, the problems continue.
on Sep 23, 2006
okay, so THIS is what the twilight zone is like!
on Sep 23, 2006
okay, so THIS is what the twilight zone is like!

More like " Lost In Space "

"Warning Will Robinson Warning"
on Sep 23, 2006
These old threads keep getting resurrected, sigh...   
on Sep 24, 2006
These old threads keep getting resurrected, sigh.

I fell for it AGAIN.

omg - well just goes to show you that yahoo has been a mess for longer than i thought..
on Sep 24, 2006
I fell for it AGAIN.

fell for it?
from here, looks like you started it...