"Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood."
and lots of waffling in between :)
Published on July 7, 2004 By Sally jacobs In Home & Family
*sigh* I'm in a miserable mood, I'm in one of them moods where curling up and throwing myself a pity party sounds like a pretty good idea, and I was going to dedicate this blog to my misery, but I decided against it, as I find my blogs just get more whigey by the day, so no personal stuff today, though part of my misery is because I'm poorly sick, and as we know I'm even more of a horror when I'm sick, hehe! Anywho, I asked my very wise Mum what I should write a blog about, and at first she didn't really understand what I was rambling on about, so I said think of an isse that bothers you that you'd like to voice an opinion on, or rant about or something along them lines, so she went away and had a think. She came back to me an hour or so later, looking very serious, and said I've thought about it and come up with.......facial hair on older women, that just really bothers me, ahh my Mum is going to change the world one day, I can feel it! Anyway I was tempted by this subject I really was but, what's there to say? Shaving is a big no, no. I was looking on the channel four website earlier and found information on a documentary I watched a while ago, and at the time it had everyone talking.....'fat girls and feeders'...here's my blog.

Not that I have a huge amount to say on this subject either, but I'm sure I'll find something to say. Body image is a huge part of everyday life. It brings people alot of problems. When asked I'm sure everyone can name at least one part of their body they are not entirely satisfied with, oooh my bums to big is currently my favourite one. Why is it such a huge issue. Because what we look like is what we are judged on. People don't get to know our personalities, they don't see we are kind, funny, caring people. They see what we look like, and we can't help but draw a few conclusions from that, by how are hair is, by what we a re wearing, if we are fat or thin, all sorts of things are factored in this. It is just human nature to draw these conclusions. We don't always get to know the personality either, so what the person looks like is all we are able to go off. Is body image that important? I'd like to say no it's not, that we are above that, and there's alot more to life, and in some peoples cases I'd like to think that is the truth, but unfortunately it is far to important to others. The way body image is portrayed in the media, it is a life or death situation. I can only talk from a ladies perspective, as I am one, but I'm sure men face similar things. Girls have these images of stick thin girls, who they are told are beautiful, and they should be like them. Teenage girls, only just starting out, starting to form their own views on life, still very impressionable, see these girls and want to be like them. They want boys to notice them, they want to be what they consider to be beautiful. It's not just selling being 'skinny' it's representing a lifestyle to you, and everything has to be perfect, face, hair, bum, legs, just what is the perfect girl? The beautiul girl gets the boy. I'm sure that's true, and I'm sure she gets a beautiful boy too, but shock, horror, there is more to life!

I have a good friend, who has a theory on this, a theory I don't buy into but I shall share it anyway. He is under the impression that beautiful girls have no personality, because they don't need to develop one, everything is already handed to them. Where as not so beautiful girls (can we please remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I refuse to use the word ugly!) develop a personality because basically they don't have much else to go off. So what guys should be looking for in his humble opinion is the 'average' girl.. Average looking, with an average personality, and you get the best of both worlds! I personally don't buy into this theory. First of all just as a girl shouldn't be judged for not being traditionally beautiful, a girl shouldn't be judged because she is considered to be beautiful. We should think she has no personality, please! That is not the case at all. That's just another form of positive discrimination. We are all different, and we consider different things to be beautiful, we like different personalities, we are attracted to different personalities. We like fat, thin, tall, short, black, white, the list goes on. It's all down to personal choice, just a note though, if a person does dismiss us because of the way we look, I'd like to suggest that person isn't worth our time in the first place.

Now this show, 'fat girls and feeders', though dealing with a body image, it was taken to unhealthy levels. These women were at the point where they could barely walk, everything had to be done for them. They spent most of their time in bed, and were basically just fed. They had partners who loved them, and they proved their love by looking after these women, dedicating their life to caring for them, nice huh? The programme suggest s that these men like this situation. They encourage these women to eat, force them to eat in some cases, and actually want them to gain weight, so that they are totally dependent on these men. This is actually what the men like, the power they have. So these women are victims? Hmmm...I have a tough time buying that completely, we are all in charge of what we do. None of these women were slim chicks by a long shot when they met these men, and these men are attracted to big women in the first place. So though they were encouraged by these men, they could have said no, obviously it reached a point where they had less and less choice about it, but they were capable of making their own decisions.

I think everyone has the right to live their life the way they want, to do their own thing, to look the way they wish to look, and shouldn't be judged on it, but lets not be ignorant enough to think that will be the case. Plus there are huge health issues to go with this lifestyle, it's not just about the couple being happy with each other, these women could actually die, and are they truely living? Sitiing in a bed all day, and having everything done for them, is that a life? One woman said she didn't like going out because people stared at her, and she was much happier staying inside. Happier? Really? Not getting to do all the things we get to do, going out, meeting people, laughing, joking, does she really have a life? I'm not judging maybe these women are truely happy, but I can't help but think that's only because they haven't experienced another way of life, that is all they know. Do these men really love them? Maybe they do, but surely they wouldn't be helping them to an early death if they really did.

on Jul 07, 2004
Sally - I must be really tired - I read that whole thing and saw nothing - I missed the wholepoint - I'm going to have to come back and reread tomorrow in the awake hours when I'm not completely destroyed that we lost the Origin Series.

But I think you rock and as you're an incrediably talentled and gifted writer I know that there was substance in that blog and I'm sorry I'm too tired to see it

I'm just wasting your comment box to tell you I love you and you rock

on Jul 07, 2004
Good article..and I hope you feel better.
on Jul 07, 2004
Sally... I dont know if you want to hear this, but I am going to give it to you...

Beautiful girls can have beautiful personalities, only if they have had a tough life... some kind of ordeal that they have had to overcome. Your friend is right... beautiful woman are used to guys bending over backwards to win their favour, and used to society holding them up on a pedestal...

I dont make the rules, and I certainly dont play by them... but that's what they seem to be!

You still have to take a chance on the beautiful girls, because I have found some absolute pearlers out there, and they have all been through an ordeal of some sort... you can pretty much tell the shallow ones within 3 minutes anyways...

on Jul 07, 2004
You still have to take a chance on the beautiful girls, because I have found some absolute pearlers out there, and they have all been through an ordeal of some sort... you can pretty much tell the shallow ones within 3 minutes anyways...

I have to go with Muggaz on this one. Unless a girl is a very good actress, you can usually tell very quickly which ones have never exercised their brain. Of course, that does not mean that they never will, so sometimes you can find a mental diamond in the rough.
on Jul 08, 2004

I echo Muggaz's sentiment. There is an old saying that men will be as good as they have to be; women will be as bad as they can get away with (for the kids at home, this loosely translates into ebonics as "Don't hate the playa, hate the game").

In either case, people will be as good or bad as societal norms dictate. Age, sex, ethnicity, all of these factors come into play when determining what is expected and permitted from an individual within society. Even good people do bad things when their actions have no consequence. Something to think about.
on Jul 08, 2004
I'm having huge pc probs at the moment ....so not going to be able to spend much time on JU till it's sorted ...but thanks for the comments!

Trina....how sweet are you! I probably didn't make my point very well, so don't worry! I'm sorry you lost, and thanks for that comment, it really cheered me up, you also rock!

Kelly...glad you liked it, and I'm feeling better already, I just have these miserable days!

Mugz....hehe, how did I know you'd find a way to disagree with me hehe!

"Beautiful girls can have beautiful personalities, only if they have had a tough life... some kind of ordeal that they have had to overcome. Your friend is right... beautiful woman are used to guys bending over backwards to win their favour, and used to society holding them up on a pedestal... "

You have a point, I shall say that, and I totally agree with the second point of that, but the first part I'm not so sure of. i guess it depends what you class as a tough life, I'm sure the majority of people have had to overcome some trauma at some point. Plus, girls you meet online for example where you have no idea what they look like, and i'm not saying you meet girls online, but just random girls you come across, who you consider to have beautiful personalities, do you automatically presume thesen chicks are ugly?

CS guy the same goes for blokeys I think, and I can't be doing with men that don't mentally stimulate me!

David that was very insightful and definatly something to think about, we do tend to live up to stereotypes and if people know they can get away with certain behaviour then they will do it! I do hate the game The playa doesn't have a chance!

Nice to see you boys sticking together!
on Jul 09, 2004
Wow! Interesting little debate going on here. Especially coming from a psychology background.

So, the argument here is that if someone is beautiful they don't feel the need to develop a personality, unless a negative life circumstance is thrown their way? I can agree with negative things having an effect on one's personality presentation, but I don't agree with it having an effect on personality.

Yes - nature and nuture both add to one's personality. Looks will influence the nurture side of the equation. People who are more attractive are treated more favourably. It is a sad but true statement. However I think that David has it a little closer to the mark. People will get away with as much as they can. If someone's beauty allows them to behave like a twat and still be accepted, then there is no reason for them to change. It doesn't mean that the girl has no personality, it just means that the environment that she is in doesn't demand her to behave in the same way as us mere mortals. Just as we are different in different situations, so are the 'beautiful'.

As such, if you put a very beautiful person in a situation where beauty is not valued or recognised, different sides of their personality will come to the surface. I suppose you may be right Muggaz, now that I revise my theory as I write it, in that someone who has been through a tough experience has had to deal with life circumstances where their looks won't just carry them through, and as such have exercised different parts of their personality.

I know many beautiful girls who have lived both charmed and horrible lives. I can't see a direct correlation between their depth of personality and their life circumstances. The one thing that does seem to correlate, however, is that those who have seen through the beauty myth - that realise that it is fleeting and superficial and seems to only draw people on this basis - have the deeper personalities. But whether this is a function of their personalities in the first place, meaning that they were like that all along, or something that they have learned (or been predisposed to learn due to their personalities) is a whole other question.

I am confused now!

Great article Sal! As for the Fat Girls and Feeders? This is going to be the most horrible thing I have ever said on JU, but I think that there really should be a law against this or something. It is a form of abuse and/or self harm. If I am cutting up my arms I will seen by a mental health practitioner. If someone else is doing it, they will be arrested for assualt. If I am eating so much that I cannot move, that is a form of deliberate self harm. And if someone else is helping, then they need to be seen to as well. It makes me feel sick. And this has nothing to do with the aesthetics of the whole thing. People rendering themselves virtually useless by stuffing their gaping maws with food so that their heart, lungs, blood pressure, all other organs are under strain is abnormal and wrong. It's just like taking an overdose over a very long time.

Hope you're feeling better!
on Jul 09, 2004
Suz that was a very insightful if not confusing comment, hehe! i see what you're saying though, I think less attractive people have the ability to have ugly personalities. Some people get so caught up in the way they look that it does play a part in their personality whether it be that they think they are gorgeous or they think they are awful. I've met people who aren't typically nice looking, and they have huge chips on their shoulders thinking the world owes them something, I think it works both ways!

I agree with you on the second part too. It is a form of abuse like it or not, and their should be something to stop it, but then I think well they are only hurting themselves so maybe leave them be, but if we thought that on everything what kind of world would it be! I think there are psychological problems that really need to be dealt with!

I'm feeling slightly better thanks hunny, just sleeping loads, and doing hardly anything! It's been a nice rest though! Just another four days in bed....grrr....
on Jul 09, 2004
Interesting that most people have focussed on the 'beauty' part of this article. I'm going to focus on this sentence instead: 'The programme suggest s that these men like this situation. They encourage these women to eat, force them to eat in some cases, and actually want them to gain weight, so that they are totally dependent on these men.'

This absolutely hits the nail on the head. Many years ago I met a woman who had been in this situation and had had enough. She dieted. She became some company's 'slimmer of the year'. What was her husbands response? He started beating her up. Fortunately she had the willpower to leave him.

I could ramble on, but I'll leave it at that.
on Jul 09, 2004
isn't it crazy how all the retards get the great girls?

on Jul 09, 2004
Sally smells like urine... strawberry flavoured urine I admit, but she quite obvioulsy has a leakage problem.
on Jul 09, 2004
First of all, beauty is different to everyone. If your confident in who you are and how you look, then you should have no problem in getting a guy. You don't have to be a perfect size 2 or have the perfect nose or have perfect abs...as long as u are confident and hold strong values and morals. I personally think that what makes a girl ugly is when she acts with no self respect.

As far as pretty girls and "average" girls...I don't think there really is an average girl. I think everyone is special and important in their own way. This isn't some crap I'm making up. I honestly think that people are special in their own way. For instance...not everyone is hollywood is flesh and bones. Oprah Winfrey, I think along wiht some other celebs is the most beautiful person, inside out. She has curves like a real woman , she's sassy, confident and good hearted. THat's where beauty comes from. In the end, beauty weakens...if your with someone long enough...their physical appearance really doesn't matter after a while...but their inner beauty will always shine. That's what every guy should really care about.

on Jul 11, 2004
Mandy thanks for the comment, and I totally agree with everything you said, if only more people thought like you